Thursday, November 27, 2014

Back seat

My blog posts have taken a back seat while I focus on some other things 

Christmas is less than a month away and I'm beginning to panic

Every year I make my mom a scrapbook calendar
Every year I say it will be the last one
every year I wait until the last minute and complete 12 pages in a month
Unfortunately, this year is no different
I started putting it together last weekend
My Mom LOVES these calendars and that's why I put myself through this EVERY year
 My Mom LOVES them so much, she won't write in them
Is that not the craziest thing you've ever heard?

Today is Thanksgiving
Say what?!?!
It doesn't feel like it should be Thanksgiving already
but oh my, we have so much to be thankful for

Tomorrow will be spent shopping with my Mom

This weekend we will visit a tree farm in hopes of finding the perfect tree
and then we have a busy week ahead of us
 Thursday the Canadian Pacific Train will be coming through town
Friday is the Holiday Stroll
 I can't wait to see my little Colorado Jammers perform
Saturday we will be celebrating Parker's birthday a little early
{because having a birthday 8 days before Christmas stinks}

Happy Thanksgiving!
Count your many blessings!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Getting out of this rut

I have been in a total rut lately
I can't pin point one thing that brought it on
I think it has been escalating over some time

My job is not always all it's cracked up to be
I was looking at the dollar signs when I accepted the position
I thought more money and less worry about bills would fix all
It hasn't
The more you make, the more you spend {period}
I'm a people pleaser and hate writing tickets but trust me, I write plenty
I'll be making my first court appearance soon
I can't believe people fight their ticket when they know they were clearly in the wrong
{Don't park in a handicapped spot if you're not handicapped}

There aren't enough hours in a weekend
I have so many things I want to get done around the house
When I do have the time, I don't have the motivation

So much sickness
Within the last two months, two people close to my heart were given the dreaded news
My bf from high school has ovarian cancer
She's a single mom to three beautiful girls, her ex husband is a dead beat and doesn't help supply the girls with any of their needs, she just started taking classes to better her and her girls lives and then....
Sharon was diagnosed with breast cancer
They are both taking chemo treatments and struggling with every day tasks
 It breaks my heart to see how wore down and sick they have become
My Aunt was also diagnosed with ovarian cancer and is slowly losing her battle
{Cancer Sucks!}

I'm healthy, my kids and husband are healthy
So why am I in this rut
I have everything I could possible need
I'm BLESSED and yet I'm in a frump

Uh the politics and crap on tv

It's on going and I wish for ONE day, everything was positive
No bullying and bashing of other politicians
No violence
No sickness

On to better things....
I'm REALLY going to try to get out of this rut
96.1 is playing Christmas music
The down town stores are setting up beautiful Christmas trees
and I'm going Christmas shopping with one of my bf's next week

I love Thanksgiving and I'm not trying to push it out of the way
I just need more than 4 short weeks to prepare for Christmas
So, I'm getting started
You will not see me in a store Black Friday shopping on Thanksgiving day
These stores became greedy and don't allow their employees to be with family
Shame on them!

Here's to happy and positive thoughts!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Playing catch up

I haven't taken time to sit down and blog much
Maybe it's because I feel like we are living the same rat race every day
Work, School, Cook, Clean, Sleep and Start Over

So I'm backing up a little bit

We look forward to the homecoming parade every year
They were calling for severe storms the night of the parade
The school jumped the gun, canceled the parade and the storms totally missed us

We had the annual Fall Festival at Colorado School about a month ago
The teachers, staff and students put so much into it every year
I went in every morning to help count raffle tickets
The kids sold enough to make their goal {11,000}and they duct taped the principal to the wall
Again, our luck hasn't been the best and we had to miss the biggest night of the year
Parker was home sick with a fever and bronchitis

We had parent teacher conferences two weeks ago
The boys are doing great 
AS a parent, I could go on for hours about Common Core Math Curriculum and SBG grading system
What was wrong with the way we learned?
What happened to spelling tests, learning cursive and memorizing multiplication facts?
I'm dealing with it but I have just about bit my tongue off several times

Spencer had choir and orchestra masquerade concerts
I love to see the kids dressed up in their costumes and they play fun music like "Thriller"

Over the weekend we celebrated Halloween
Spencer borrowed Grandma's clown costume and Parker went as a Zombie Skeleton
We carved pumpkins and went to my work Halloween party

I can't believe we are close to wrapping up another year
My baby will be 10 next month!
Where does the time go?