Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Our new addition

 We have a new little girl at our house -
     Amelia Pearl

6 weeks ago my Aunt called,
She had taken in a mama and 5 babies

The boys and I went out to the farm
a couple times a week to see them

The more we were out there,
The more they pulled on my heart

I asked my Aunt if we could have the only girl
and surprise the boys

I brought her home yesterday

The boys were totally shocked
and Amelia is one spoiled kitty

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Where has the week gone?

The kids have been in school a FULL week already
What happened to all the free time I thought I was going to have?

We have been BUSY!

The day before school started, I decided
we should celebrate
I took the boys to Chick fil a
 And to Elly's for ice cream
$9.00 for ice cream (OUCH)
Thankfully we don't celebrate very often

Speaking of celebrations
Monsanto celebrated their 50th Anniversary last weekend
and we were there to help

We spent 4 LONG hours there
The kids had a blast

They jumped in enormous bounce houses
Ate way more sugar than should have been allowed
Had lunch with my cousin and her boyfriend
Had multiple massages
Rode the train

Thank you Monsanto!

We have also been busy with Cub Scouts

I am SUPER proud of these boys!
They are so handsome in their uniforms
They earned several patches and belt loops Monday night
Way to go boys!

School just started last week and the calendar is already
 looking like someone put graffiti all over it


Friday, August 19, 2011

It was only Wednesday

I was having a bad week

My boys would be starting school on Thursday
4th and 1st grade
Where has the time gone
and how dare they grow up

I have been swamped with work,
and have very little time to get unfinished projects done

My birthday is this week
I don't want to be another year older
The hubby will be gone again, it's the life of a soldier

I decided that I would treat myself to a b-day gift
but now I'm having second thoughts
I cut all 3 of the guys hair, at least once a month
but I become guilty about spending the $ to have mine done

I'm worried about all of the medical bills hanging over my head

I'm worried about the future

I know God has a plan, I'm just not seeing it

To relieve some stress, I got on my favorite site
You guessed it, PINTEREST
and found this -

 love this.

It was what I needed for the moment

It was just a bummer of a week
Hopefully next week is better

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Feeling guilty

We are loving these cooler temps
and have been enjoying every second of them

I was feeling a bit guilty about our summer break -
We haven't been on a vacation
We haven't had a lot of playdates
We haven't been on many long bike rides

The list could go on and on........

So, the last 2 weeks, I have tried to make it up to the boys
  • We have been to the aqatic center 3 days in a row

  • We had a sleepover
  • We took very long bike rides
  • I scheduled a September vacation
  • We have had more ice cream than a lactose intolerant child should have
  • We have played baseball, and more baseball and MORE BASEBALL
Hopefully the boys have enjoyed their summer

Most Mom's were ready to send their kids back last month
I'm not ready
I miss them when they are gone but they need to learn
and at our house, routine is HUGE

Tonight is back to school night
Tomorrow is the start of another great school year

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First sleepover

The boys had their first sleep over Sunday night

It wasn't planned
Which is totally not like me
and I was NOT prepared
(I don't think the boys even noticed)

Here is what I have learned from this-
Always have frozen pizzas in the deep freeze
Always have microwave popcorn in the pantry
Always keep cinnamon or money bread on hand

We did without all of those things
and I think they enjoyed themselves

Let me tell you
This boy is an absolute SWEET HEART
He's polite and well mannered
He has been dealt a difficult childhood
but he's not going to let it get in the way
Sometimes I think I can see the sadness
in his dark eyes, but then he smiles
I like him just as much as my boys do, if not more

We played  ball for 2 hours
Took him home with us
Had KFC for supper
Lit sparklers
Played hangman
Had snacks
Watched iCarly
and finally crashed at 11:30PM

 The boys  were in heaven

I asked the boys what they enjoyed most-
Spencer - Staying up late
Parker - Sleeping

Thanks guys for a fun evening

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My My Look how they have grown....

I just can't get over how cute they are
and how fast they are growing
They are almost 5 weeks old
They LOVE playing

They are starting to eat a little food
but aren't sure what to do about their messy faces

There are 4 active little boys

And 1 dainty little girl

I'm 99.9% sure that this kitty wants to come home with me
 and Parker thinks so too

Monday, August 8, 2011

Brain overload

I haven't been sleeping well
Every morning by body aches
My joints crack
(The hubby says, go to the Dr.)
There could be a million things wrong 
but today I'll use this diagnosis -
Brain overload

I would love to climb back in bed
but I have a little one resting there
and too much to do

Where do I start-
I told the boys their school bags will be filled today
(I'm tired of 10 Wal-mart bags laying in my way)

I need to finish the school paperwork
When you have a child with Epi-Pens, inhalers and other meds
Schools want to make sure they have themselves covered
This mama has writers cramp

The bathroom needs scrubbed for the 4th time in 6 days
(I have threatened to make the boys sit if they can't aim)

I need to finish the application process and set up my interview
Yes, I MAY be working 3 jobs this fall. Am I crazy? Why, Yes!

I went shopping with a friend yesterday
My favorite finds were at Goodwill
A lamp shade to recover (I said I would never do this again)
and 2 blue Ball jars (I must find lids for)

I got invited to a baby shower next week
I need to find a gift
The baby's room theme is Dr. Seuss
but where do I find Dr. Seuss stuff in this town?

We will be having our first
Scrap and Snack
in 3 weeks
I must figure out a game plan
(plates, napkins, snacks, prizes....)

I'm also feeling a bit guilty
We haven't taken a vacation
and the kids go back to school next week
My goal is to plan a surprise vacation
on a very tight budget

I'm going to write all of these things down on paper
Cross them off as I go
And hopefully feel like I accomplished something

Maybe I'll sleep better tonight

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just 1/2 a day

Can't I just have 1/2 a day
to do what I want to do
Eat what I want to eat
and not feel guillty about it

Call me selfish:
Spend a month
with my children
nagging, fighting, bickering
And you would want a 1/2 (maybe even a whole) day to yourself too

So, I'm making it a point to have some ME TIME

We have spent all summer doing kid things:
College for Kids
Swimming Lessons
Cub Scout events

Then the hubby informs me that bowling starts this month

He has always been good about letting me have ME time
The problem is -
There isn't any time for me after everyone else takes up the calendar

So this month is MINE-
It's my birthday month
after a month of my children driving me bonkers

I have taken over the calendar
Okay, not quite
But I have designated 2 days for ME TIME


I encourage you to do this too!
I love my children more than anything in this world
but I love them even more when I have taken time for myself

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cats, cats and more cats

We went back out to the farm this morning
It was HOT
but I had to get Abbie brushed
that poor girl was just a shedding mess
She got brushed and she LOVED it
I'm not sure how much good it will do
but I'm sure it made us both feel better

We got to see the wee ones again-
They are just PRECIOUS

Here they are at a week old


I call this one - muffin or angel face

This is the one I was hoping was a girl
but it's not
and it's a good thing because he is one active little guy
He even looks ornery

Parker gave lots of love

Smokey (Mama) was feeling a bit left out
She plopped right down on Spencer

This one is just the cutest little butterball

Am I allowed to have favorites?

Monday, August 1, 2011


I would never bribe my children - That was what I said before I became a mother

Now that I have 2 children, bribery happens quite often

Parker had an absolute fit last week when he saw the carnival rides
and  I told him we WERE NOT going to Great River Days

The only part of Great River Days that I remember, is sitting on my Dad's shoulders
listening to Lee Greenwood and Suzy Bogguss

Now I worry about the condition of the rides and the people running them
By the way, I really dislike the word - Carnie

Let me also mention that I probably have
one of the worst cases of motion sickness
I can't even swing on a swing

Anyway, We DID NOT ride the rides
I know, I know....,  I should support Muscatine
We were in the parade
and picked up garbage for Cub Scouts
that should count for something

Instead - I bribed the boys and we went to the aquatic center

We stayed cool and the boys LOVED it

I didn't get many pictures
 They were under the water more than they were out

After a FUN day at the pool
The boys wanted to go see the kitties

I said I would give an update on the kitties

 They are getting pretty playful
I was REALLY hoping this one was a girl
She would have had to come home with me

This one might work :)

I think she loves me
What do you think?