I haven't been sleeping well
Every morning by body aches
My joints crack
(The hubby says, go to the Dr.)
There could be a million things wrong
but today I'll use this diagnosis -
Brain overload
I would love to climb back in bed
but I have a little one resting there
and too much to do
Where do I start-
I told the boys their school bags will be filled today
(I'm tired of 10 Wal-mart bags laying in my way)
I need to finish the school paperwork
When you have a child with Epi-Pens, inhalers and other meds
Schools want to make sure they have themselves covered
This mama has writers cramp
The bathroom needs scrubbed for the 4th time in 6 days
(I have threatened to make the boys sit if they can't aim)
I need to finish the application process and set up my interview
Yes, I MAY be working 3 jobs this fall. Am I crazy? Why, Yes!
I went shopping with a friend yesterday
My favorite finds were at Goodwill
A lamp shade to recover (I said I would never do this again)
and 2 blue Ball jars (I must find lids for)
I got invited to a baby shower next week
I need to find a gift
The baby's room theme is Dr. Seuss
but where do I find Dr. Seuss stuff in this town?
We will be having our first
Scrap and Snack
in 3 weeks
I must figure out a game plan
(plates, napkins, snacks, prizes....)
I'm also feeling a bit guilty
We haven't taken a vacation
and the kids go back to school next week
My goal is to plan a surprise vacation
on a very tight budget
I'm going to write all of these things down on paper
Cross them off as I go
And hopefully feel like I accomplished something
Maybe I'll sleep better tonight