I started blogging last year so I could note the memories
Looking at pictures just wasn't enough for me
Looking at pictures just wasn't enough for me
My children are growing up before my eyes and I just wanted an extra way to remember their youth
Through blogging, I have come across some fun blogs and friends
These gals are my BFF's that I'll probably never meet
Yet, the speak to me
They speak to me more than some of my personal friends
I read their blogs every morning
This morning while reading 6 updated blog posts, I came across one that was exactly what I needed
This week I was struggling as a parent
How much freedom should I give my 10 and 7 year old
My oldest boy is 10 and I just started letting him walk down the block to a friends house
Paranoid, I know!
Last week some friends wanted the boys to go on a bike ride
I told the boys they could ride on the sidewalk and ONLY on our street
I was watching them but walked in the garage for a minute and when I came back, they were gone
Did I give them too much freedom?
They didn't listen to my instructions of staying on OUR road, should I ground them?
Every other child in our neighborhood runs the streets
My children don't understand why I'm so paranoid
I have tried to scare the day lights out of them by telling them about the scary people out there
They just don't get it!
Another issue that has come up lately is
My children think they NEED everything
Ball season is right around the corner and they both think they NEED new equipment
Parker definitely needed a new glove
His glove was a t-ball glove and he is moving up this year
We went to Davenport last week and bought a new glove
I was also reminded that he would need a batting helmet because I have a fear of lice
My children know they are not to let ANYONE wear their batting helmet
So we walked out of Dunhams with new baseball equipment and less money in my wallet
We also walked out with an unhappy child
Spencer wanted a new batting bag for his catchers gear ($86), knee savers ($20) and cleats ($40)
I would LOVE to buy my children everything they think they NEED
we can't
where do we draw the line
My children also need new tennis shoes and they think they need the most expensive pair at Hibbet Sports
I will by my boys pricey (within reason) shoes rather than the cheap Walmart shoes
These boys are TOUGH on shoes and I will say, you get what you pay for!
How do people have more than 2 children?
Do you just say No. . . Do you buy the cheap shoes?
I don't want my children made fun of yet we can't afford all of the name brand stuff
I can't tell you the last time I bought a piece of clothing at a store other than Goodwill
Okay, I can tell you - It was in November while Christmas shopping
I can't tell you the last time I bought a piece of clothing at a store other than Goodwill
Okay, I can tell you - It was in November while Christmas shopping
One of my Bff's from the blogging world must have known that I needed some encouragement
Thank you Kristen for your post today
"Why the world will never see me as a good parent"
What would I do with out these friends?
If you are a parent, I encourage you to read Kristen's post
Thank you Kristen for your post today
"Why the world will never see me as a good parent"
What would I do with out these friends?
If you are a parent, I encourage you to read Kristen's post