Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Top Ten (May21-27)

I'm posting our Top Ten late 
We have been having fun and to busy to blog
The Top Ten list is from last week

1. Monday we had an eye injury
Spencer got poked by a branch when he tried to walk under the tree
I'm so glad eyes heal quickly

2. We had our last Cub Scout meeting
There will be scouting events this summer but no meetings for a while

3. Tuesday was Field Day at school
I was able to sneak over in between appointments
Too bad the kids were eating lunch and at recess
(I love the flexibility of my job)

4. Wednesday was the LAST day of school
(Hip Hip Hooray)
The boys also had their awards ceremony
(I'm so proud of them!)

5. What a better way to celebrate the last day of school than go to the dentist
(I didn't plan it that way)
The boys LOVE going to the dentist almost as much as I do
(I would go every day if I could afford it)

6. This is our last week of baseball practices
Games start next week!

7. Spencer has been obsessed with chili
I think it was Sunday night, I asked him if he would rather have ham or spaghetti for supper
His answer- Chili
Spencer, it's 85 degrees out!

8. Parker got to try catching for the first time
He's the smallest kid on the team
I'm not sure what his coach was thinking but Parker did a pretty good job

9. Daddy got the pool set up
The boys will be enjoying the pool as soon as the water warms up

10. We spent Memorial weekend going to Graduation parties and relaxing

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Schools out!

Yesterday was the boys last day of school

They had an award ceremony

Spencer was given the -
Presidential Physical Fitness Award (Highest award)
Colorado Jammers Certificate of Participation
Mathematical Thinking Award
Outstanding Performance in Accelerated Reading Award

Parker was given the -
National Physical Fitness Award
Star Classrooom Participation Award
Friendship Award
Excellence in Habit #1 - Be Proactive Award
Outstanding Performance in Accelerated Reading Award

(The boys with their fitness awards)

I could have crawled out of my skin
These boys make me so proud

Not only were they given all of these awards, their report cards were outstanding

After the awards ceremony, the principal (Mr. Spies) grilled hot dogs for lunch
This guy is AMAZING! I can't even begin to tell you how great he is

We are so blessed to be part of a wonderful school

Monday, May 21, 2012

Top Ten (May 14-20)

Summer is almost here
We can taste it
Sweat dripping and dirt in our mouths at the ball field

Top Ten for the week

1. We had ball practice 4 nights this week

2. On Tuesday Parker and I went on a field trip to the Iowa Children's Museum
(Parker on the rock wall)

3. Thursday was Leadership Day at Colorado School
The kids did a GREAT job
Spencer sang with the Colorado Jammers and his 4th grade class did a theater presentation
Parker's class did a presentation about balls and motion

4. On Friday I went and watched the talent show at school
The boys weren't in the show this year but I enjoyed watching their friends

5. Spelling tests are taken on Fridays
This week Spencer came home and told me that his bonus word was


Did you get that?
I wouldn't even begin to know how to spell the word
Spencer was SO CLOSE! 
I think he should have got half a point

6. The hubby was gone all weekend so it was just me and the boys
(Don't tell the hubby - I enjoy having the boys to myself every now and then)
We NEVER go to bed on time when Dad's not around

7.  Saturday was WARM
The hubby hasn't got the pool up so the boys had to find ways to cool down

8. The boys must be growing
I made a pan of granola bars and they ate the whole pan in one day

9. Parker drew this picture on the way to church on Sunday
I asked if the lady inside the house was me
He told me that the lady was his wife and she was making dinner (Oh dear!)

10. Two and a half days of school left

Another great week full of memories

Staying cool

The temps have been warm and the pool hasn't been set up yet

The kids had to find ways to keep cool this weekend

They started with a bucket of water and goggles

That wasn't cutting it

So they dumped the bucket 
 found something better

Even Amelia was hot and was looking for a cool place to lay

(The bath tub)

I am hoping the pool gets set up this week

It sounds like next weekend is going to be in the 90's

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The calendar pages keep flipping

It's May 17th, SERIOUSLY?
Where is this year going?

Every year, I make my Mom a scrapbook calendar
EVERY year, I say that I am done making them
My Mom LOVES them and would be bummed if I didn't make her one

Last Christmas Eve I was up late working on the calendar and said, THIS IS IT!

By January, I decided that I would make one for 2013 
but I was going to make one page every month
so come December, I won't be stressed trying to complete 12 scrapbook pages

It's May and I haven't even started

I am 5 months behind

I do have a plan
That should count for something

This calendar will be bright and cheery

Here are some of the papers I have bought so far
I LOVE the colors
My favorite - The cat paper of course

Now I just need to start taking pictures
My nieces will be home in a few weeks so it will give me the perfect opportunity

Oh and here are some papers I just fell in love with but will be using for my own scrapping

Another reason I tried to give up the calendar was because I'm 2 years behind on my own scrapbooking

I just don't take the time to do it
I hate dragging everything out and having to put it all away

My goal is to get started this week
Do you think I'll stick to it?

I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

They made me a Mama

 I can't really remember life before motherhood
It's kind of a blur

These boys complete me and make this life worth living

My Mother's Day morning started out like any other day
I was up before every one else

A little while later, I heard noise in the kitchen and waited to see what Spencer was up to
It wasn't long before he handed me the Bisquick box and asked me to help make MY breakfast
I felt terrible telling him that I used all the eggs the night before making quiche
He wanted to make me waffles SO BAD
I told him I was sorry and I would take him to Hy-Vee to get donuts

After the kids were all sugared we went to church

I got many wonderful surprises at church
My secret sister gave me a card and a $25 Applebees gift card for our anniversary 
and she gave me a bag of chocolates and a bracelet for Mother's Day
Who ever my secret sister is - She is WONDERFUL!

The boys also had gifts for me at church
They made cards and gave me cups with petunias 

These weren't the only gifts I got from the kids,
Parker made me a gift at school
I LOVE the hand made gifts kids make

Look how cute this is -
 Inside the bag was a cereal bar, an apple, a tea bag and a napkin
Parker had the cereal bar and apple ate in no time

We ended Mother's Day at my Mom's
That lady sure knows how to make me feel special

Steak dinner
Essie Polish
Some gadgets for the house
and a gift card to my favorite store

I LOVE being a Mama!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Top Ten (May 7-13)


  I can tell we are getting close to summer break
My calendar looks looks like someone used it for their graffiti
I'm so glad I have that calendar because I would be completely lost without it
I was talking to Spencer about a paper he brought home that had some dates on it,
I told him that I needed to write the dates on the calendar so I wouldn't forget
He told me to just hang the paper on the fridge
Ahhh, I don't work like that
EVERY THING gets written on that calendar

Some day things will slow down and I won't know what to do with myself

Until then, I will blog so I can be reminded of my children's crazy childhood days

Here is our our Top Ten for the week

1. The boys had baseball pictures this week
Look at these handsome ball players

2. We had baseball practice and more baseball practice and more baseball practice

3. Parker came home and told me that he made Mother's day gifts for me at school

4.  On Wednesday, Parker had a check up with Dr. Simpson for his ears
The ears look good (probably because he has been on antibiotics all week)
 Parker's asthma was flared up so he put him on steroids
and asked if we were considering allergy shots (Boo Hiss)
We also found out that he doesn't have to use his ear plugs and ear band any more - Hip Hip Hooray!

5. On Friday the boys had Environmental Education Day at The Discovery Center
The weather was perfect and the kids had fun learning
Spencer was finally old enough to canoe

6.  This week, Parker learned to climb the tree just like his big brother
(I'm certain we will have a broken bone or stitches before the summer is over)

8. On Saturday we took a 10 mile bike ride starting at Credit Island Park in Davenport
The boys are such great riders and didn't complain once

9. The boys showered me with LOVE for Mother's Day

10. Six and a half days of school left

There we have it!
Another week of fun at our house

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hy-Vee, Shop Hy-Vee

Do you ever walk by something in a store that catches your eye and think, WOW

I don't shop at Hy-Vee unless it's a Thursday/Friday sale
Hy-Vee prices are ridiculous!
I would love to make a grocery list and compare prices from Hy-Vee and Wal-Mart
I wish I had the money to shop in a store where there's a helpful smile in every isle
I do by gas at Hy-Vee only because I can run in and get my favorite cappuccino (Pattermint Patty)
A couple of weeks ago, I went in to pay for my gas and learned Hy-Vee was getting a new manager
The gas clerk assured me that things (prices) were going to change 

I had a client who wanted me to go to Hy-Vee and check out a haircut on a pharmacy tech
Yes, I have clients that expect me to take time out of my busy schedule to go check out someones haircut
I couldn't find Alice, whoever Alice is
 I decided to make the trip in there worth my time

Did you know Hy-Vee has AMAZING bagels
They do!
I'm having some guilt but Oh My Goodness
I haven't had one in SO LONG

As I walked through the store, I checked out the aisles and some interesting items they carry

Cinnamon Bun marshmallows
I just saw the article in Midwest Living about being creative with smore's
(Picture-Midwest Living)
Yep, I think the Cinnamon Bun marshmallows are a must
(If you buy them this week, the are only 99 cents)

I also saw a Tub of Lard
That's seriously what it was called - tub of lard
Now I'm not the worlds best cook
but what in the world do you do with a tub of lard?
Ewww. . . It grossed me out

And for you Jelly Belly fans
Have you tried Belly Flops?
bELLY fLOPS !!!!
Belly Flops are irregular Jelly Belly's
 They taste just as good and are half the price of Jelly Belly's
I was lucky enough to find some at the Dollar Tree in Davenport but when I can't get there, Hy-Vee will do

Check out Hy-Vee and get 3 cents off each gallon of gas today with a Hy-Vee receipt!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Top Ten (April 30-May 6)

Here is our Top Ten

1. Monday the kids were out of school
I'm pretty sure their teachers gave them homework -
The assignment must have been to drive their parents nuts

2. Wednesday the boys were both sick
A visit to the Dr. revealed that the both have bronchitis and ear infection

3. On Thursday, Spencer was better but Parker was puking

4. Sick days = movies like Marley and Me
I'm so thankful Parker doesn't think I'm totally crazy when I cry watching movies

5. Thursday night we were under a tornado watch
Parker didn't hear a thing
Spencer couldn't sleep
Amelia HATES tornado sirens and thunder

6. On Friday, I was the coolest Mama ever 
I bought the boys baseball socks that match their baseball shirts
I bought Spencer knee savers (Have I told you that my oldest is an AWESOME catcher? He is!)

7. Parker met with Marci for the last time
Marci was a college student getting some hours for her classes
She and Parker have been buddies since Christmas
She is definitely going to be missed!

8. On Saturday, I was even more cool than on Friday
I surprised Parker with a new (new to him) bike

9. On Sunday, the boys and I went to the River Bandits game
Daddy had to stay home because of the flu

10.13 days of school left
I can't believe it!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Right Now

Worrying makes me exhausted
So why do I do it?
I have NO idea


I'm so tired that I have missed the ten o'clock news 3 nights in a row
I must be worrying in my sleep because when I wake up, I'm still exhausted
I'm so tired and run down that I hardly know what I'm doing these days
I guess I'm living in the moment and every now and then thinking random thoughts

Random thoughts

~ Why would my child put a quarter in his drink and then dump
 it down the drain and into the garbage disposal

~ I find it comical that Parker has days when he can't talk
Today beef jerky was beef turkey
sloth was smoth
Doctor was dollar store
I'm so glad he's able to laugh at himself and humor me

~ Why do my children take off their pajama pants with one leg inside out
This creates more work for me when I do laundry

~I wish I could have one hour of uninterrupted time to paint my nails

~ I need to find a way to get my cat to like being brushed
I had to clip a fur ball  from under her leg
(is a front leg on cat called a leg or an arm?)
The hubby suggested shaving her arm pits 

~ Praying Lujacks doesn't give me bad news 
I have been stressed to the max over this and it's totally out of  my control
Why do I worry? It is what it is!

~ I have been singing -The sun will come out tomorrow. . . . all morning in my head
I sure hope my singing works some magic
This rain has got me and everyone else down in the dumps

~ Can you believe people sell recipes on Ebay

And in between all these random thoughts, I'm worrying
Worrying over things I have NO control over

What is my problem?