Sunday, September 30, 2012

Top Ten (Sept. 24-30)

Which means it was a busy week at school
Dressing up every day, an assembly and a parade
(I did a horrible job of taking pictures this week)

1. The boys went to school in their pj's on Monday for pajama day

2. We are preparing for the Colorado Fall Festival
This mama has volunteered to count raffle tickets for the next 2 weeks
We are hoping these Tigers can sell 10,000 tickets
That's a lot of counting for me!

3. Spencer ended up with bronchitis too
I guess he didn't want to feel left out or maybe I didn't use enough Lysol

4. Spelling words are going MUCH BETTER
It helps that this week was review week

5. The boys found this at Grandma's house
They took it to school on Thursday and it was confirmed as a Sphinx Moth
(Dad ended up killing it on Sunday-He thought it was cold so he stuck it outside and roasted it)

6. The boys ran the mile for PE on Wednesday
After watching 3/4 of the kids walk most of it, I'm glad my boys are athletic and take it serious

7. I was barely gone 30 seconds when the curtain rod was pulled out of the wall for the second time
What do these boys (this includes the hubby) do when I'm gone
How do parents let their kids stay home alone at these ages,
do they not care if their houses are trashed?
It was an accident but STILL!

8. We walked in the Homecoming parade and had a GREAT time

9. The hubby treated us (the kids and I) to a date on Friday night
We went to the corn field maze at BarnYard Blooms in Grandview

10. Sunday was the best day of my childrens lives
They have been saving money to buy some pets
We surprised them after church and took them to PetSmart
 Spencer's green anole - Mr. Bonkers
Parker's hermit crab - Mr. Crabs

Next week is a BUSY week also known as Fall Festival week at Colorado School
I'm hoping I get time to post a Top Ten for next week but I'll apologize now in case it doesn't get done

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fabulous 5 on Friday (Date night)

It's Friday again!

The hubby took us on a date

Culvers for dinner and then to the Barnyard Blooms Corn Maze

Fabulous 5 on Friday

Cute kids surrounded by pumpkins

 Warty pumpkins
I'm sure there is a real name for them 
Lil' Punkins
(Notice the sign)
That's what I love about Barnyard Blooms
Down home Country

 Look at that face
Adorable goats

Fun at the corn field maze

We need to go on dates more often

I hope you had a fabulous Friday!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Top Ten (Sept. 17-23)

We had a very busy week

1. Monday we went to the doctor
Parker had bronchitis and ear infection

2. We had our popcorn sales meeting for Cub Scouts
(I could NEVER be a sales person)

3. This mama is back teaching gymnastics on Monday and Wednesday evenings
(As of Saturday, we had 130 kids signed up)

4. Spencer has been playing his violin
(hot cross cross buns...)

5. On Thursday Parker had an appointment at the allergy and asthma clinic
(The Dr. is changing some of his meds but says he looks great for being sick)

6. Friday was Fall Festival Kick Off
(Bring on the FUN!)

7. Friday night we picked apples from the apple tree at Colorado School
You should have seen us climbing on the hood of the truck trying to pick apples
(We made homemade applesauce with them on Sunday)

Amelia likes apples too

8. On Saturday, Spencer went to a birthday party for a classmate

9. On Sunday morning we put the boys to work
The boys were great helpers and always love getting dirty 

10. We spent Sunday afternoon selling raffle tickets and tracking down Coopers owner
(The boys found a cute puppy and we were able to track down it's owners through a lost pet site on FB)

Next week is homecoming and I'm sure there will be lots of pictures posted
I LOVED homecoming week when I was a kid and still LOVE homecoming week
Go Muskies!
(I feel like a trader and since L-M homecoming is this week to, I say- Go Falocons!)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The LOVES of my life

I took the boys down to the river to get some pictures for Grandparents Day

I fall in LOVE with these boys more every day

They are best buds!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I'm sure there's more than one reason

God gave me boys for a reason 
 I'm sure there was more than one reason

I'm sure he knew that I wouldn't be able to handle a girl

We have one little girl around here and her moods change in a split second
She can go from laying on her back wanting her belly rubbed to attack mode in no time 

Yes, I'm talking about our cat
(She's like one of our kids but in a different form)

As I was sending emails and checking facebook yesterday,
I turned around and saw this

 How do you teach a girl to sit like a lady?
Obviously I failed to teach her that
(Oh and she must have gotten over the embarrassment of her bad haircut)

 I put my hand on her and told her she needed to sit like a lady and she gave me this look
 and went back to sleep

She's very smart and she uses it to her advantage

She has learned that if she sits and cries/pouts long enough, 
the sliding glass door will be opened for her

She has also learned that if she gets kitty treats from me,
 she can beg the boys and make them think she hasn't got any yet

My boys are NOTHING like her

They don't pout
They don't talk back a whole lot
If I tell them NO - They usually know that's my answer 

But we LOVE this girl and we'll just have to work on her 


Monday, September 17, 2012

Top Ten (Sept.10-16)

This week was rather boring

1. Wednesday was Spencer's first orchestra lesson
He claims he didn't learn anything new

2. I'm helping out in Parker's classroom on Wednesdays
I love the huge smile on his face when I walk in 
He does still love me

3. I think Fall is coming
My little guy has been struggling
Monday - ear pressure
Thursday - Sore throat

4. Parker has finally made it into size 7 jeans
(I thought the day would never come)

5. Parker stayed home sick on Friday
(We made cookies, watched TV and rented a  Wii game and a movie)

6. Friday night we watched Soul Surfer
(Parker picks GREAT movies)

7. Saturday we went ice skating at Coralville Mall
We promised we would take Spencer for his birthday which was in February
Lots of tears were shed and I vowed to never take children ice skating again

8. Saturday night the boys had a sleep over with Grandma

9. Gosh Darn-it!
We were doing so good with the bloody nose situation
How can the cold meds dry him out and cause a bloody nose
his nose still drips like a faucet

10.  On Sunday the kids helped us work on my Mother In-laws yard as her birthday gift
Next year she'll be receiving a gift card; it will be easier
The boys were well behaved and found an adorable kitty to play with

I see doctor appointments in our future
Fall is here and so is cold season

Monday, September 10, 2012

Top Ten (Sept.3-9)

Thank goodness for three day weekends
The kids were already in need of a break from school

Top Ten

1. The boys spent Labor Day playing with friends

2. Wednesday was picture day
(This mama remembered it was picture day but forgot to send the money - Good Gracious!)

3. Spencer brought home a worksheet and said he needed my help
(I knew this day was going to come and I've been dreading  it)
What are the 4 types of sentences and describe them
(Thank you Google, I owe you BIG time)
I told Spencer this didn't make him smarter than me,
it just means that in 24 years, I can test HIS memory

4. Chip has started bowling again every Wednesday night in Tipton
I took advantage of having the boys to myself and took them to McDonalds
After we ate, the boys talked me into taking them to the wooden park
(Note to self - This was a BAD idea)
We spent the evening digging splinters out of little hands

5. Spencer's Orchestra Super Lesson was on Thursday
He was SO EXCITED to get his violin

6. We really dislike spelling words
(Especially when we only have 4 days to learn them)

7. Spencer spent Thursday at the Discovery Center for a field trip

8. Friday was the day of the DREADED spelling test

9. The boys went to a birthday/pool party on Saturday
It was a bit chilly but the kids didn't mind

10. Sunday was Grandparents Day and I needed a picture for my Mom and Dad
The boys weren't all that cooperative but we got one

We're on our fourth week of school already
Time flies when you're having fun

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Top Ten (Aug 27-Sept 2)

We are finally getting into the swing of things
I feel like we have returned to our routine and I'm loving it

Top Ten

1. Monday was CRAZY to say the least
Band meeting from 4-5
Orchestra meeting from 5-6
Cub Scout Recruit Night from 6-7

2. Spencer has decided he will be playing the....Violin
My Goodness instruments are expensive!
Why couldn't he pick the trumpet or baritone? (we have those)

3. The boys have been busy reading
Spencer finished a 500 page AR book
Parker brought home 2 AR books and did a great job reading them and doing his report

4. I'm a little sad that Spencer won't be doing gymnastics this fall
Something had to give and that's what he picked

5. Cute things being said-
We had a fish die this week
Parker took a look at it and said, why don't fish close their eyes
Dad: Fish don't have eye lids
Parker: Why do we have eye lids
Mom: They protect our eyes from dirt and things in the air
Parker: And hot sauce
(I'm not sure where that came from)

6. I bought the kids Scattergarories Jr. this week
On Tuesday night we played for a little bit
The letter rolled was - G
One of the questions on the card was- How do you make money
Spencer answered - Grab and Run
(Who's teaching these things to my child? My Goodness!)
I had a better answer- Garage Sale

7. We went shoe shopping on Friday night
(Do you remember how much I HATE shoe shopping? I HATE it a lot!)
I would love -
To be able to go to 1 store
Have both kids pick out a pair of shoes that are in our budget
And not shed any tears
(It would be a miracle!)

8.  Mom, Can we put him in the bathroom sink?
(Parker found this tiny frog and was certain we needed to keep him)

9. Saturday night I sent the hubby and Parker to the video store
They returned with "The Zoo Keeper"
It was such a cute movie and the boys were entertained

Next week is another CRAZY week
Just a few things on the calendar
We will be closing on our loan to refinance our house
Our van windshield will be getting replaced
Bowling starts