Wednesday, February 19, 2014

We're having a BIRTHDAY {Spencer}

I can't believe this boy is celebrating another birthday already
Wasn't he just 4?

The boy we thought would never weigh 50 pounds,
 now weighs in at a whopping 90+ pounds

Call me over protective but he can now legally ride in the front seat
{If you don't believe me, read the WARNING on the visor in your vehicle}

A few weeks ago, we were following a car that was swerving all over the road
I saw the driver of the car, reach back and hit his child several times
In shock, I said - Oh my gosh, that guy is beating his kid!
The guy reached back and hit his child again and ran the stop sign
I had to make light of the situation and told Spencer I could hit him easier if he sat in the front seat
I was just kidding
I can't tell you the last time I laid a hand on my children other than to love on them

Even though Spencer is still a child and we still have to direct and discipline,
we are definitely seeing a side of him that is maturing

He has taken on a lot of responsibility this year being in middle school
{6 classes, mac book, violin,cell phone, braces ....}
Spence has always done well in school and seems to really enjoy school
I honestly think he got some of my ADD/ADHD and functions better when stimulated
Give this boy too much down time and he will drive you absolutely crazy
His first semester grades came home and this mama was lovin on her 4.0 student
His language arts teacher tells him that he lights up the room
Spencer's always smiling and ALWAYS has something to say {which isn't always a good thing}

Another quality we love about Spencer is his determination
The boy can and will do anything he puts his mind to
Last month Cloud 9 {Snowboard movie} premiered
The next day, Spencer begged us to take him snowboarding
I tried to tell him there wouldn't be enough snow but there was no telling the kid he couldn't do it
{He would have gone down down the hill in the grass just to prove a point}
Dad took him and sure enough, the boy was snowboarding
They came back home and Spencer picked out a new snowboard for his birthday
and has been on a snowboarding kick since

As excited as I am to see what's in store for this kiddo,
 it's hard to watch him turn another year older

Friday, February 14, 2014


Although it looks more like Christmas outside,
we're decked out in red and pink today

I posted earlier this month about our 14 days of Valentine's Day

Here's the run down

Day 1: You Melt My Heart- White chocolate hot chocolate
Day 2: You Make Me Smile- Tooth paste and tooth brush
Day 3: You're My Main Squeeze- Dole Squish'ems
Day 4: I'm Nuts About You- Planters peanuts
Day 5: I Have A Crush On You- Crush Drink Mix
Day 6: You're One In A Million, Don't Ever Change- $
Day 7: I'm Hog Wild About You- Pig boxes with cowboy cookies
Day 8: You're My Stud Muffin- Muffins
Day 9: I Think You're Just Write- Pencils
Day 10: Donut You Know How Much I Love You- Donuts
Day 11: I Think You're Soda Amazing- Pop
Day 12: You Make My Heart Pop- Cheddar popcorn
Day 13: You're So Charming! I'm Lucky To Have You- Lucky Charms
Day 14: Will You Be My Valentine- Conversation hearts

The boys LOVED their surprises!

We have no Valentine plans
Restaurants are too crazy and now that it's snowing, I think we'll stay put

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Some hard/forced decisions

I've spent the last 15 years doing what I love
I started cosmetology school in August of 1999 and graduated a year later
The first 7 years I worked at a Regis owned salon
Those were some of the worst years of my life
They don't care whether you have a family, all they care about is the money you make for them
I also had what I would call a bipolar boss
Happy one minute, Ready to kill the next
I knew that I LOVED what I was doing but knew I couldn't continue down that road
I came home more days than not- in tears
I knew it was going to take "that one day"  when I just couldn't take it any longer
That day came!
I was told about a part time job, interviewed and got the job the next day and gave my 2 week notice

A month after leaving the salon, I opened my own salon and never looked back

I see my clients more than I see most of my family

99.9% of my clients are amazing

There are still some cons to owning my own business but for the most part, I LOVE it

But.... it's time to make some hard and forced decisions

I injured my shoulder last July and it has become excruciating
{to the point that the pain makes me nauseous}

I'll be seeing an orthopedic doctor in Davenport this afternoon and I'm scared to death
I have no idea what the outcome will be

Either way, surgery or no surgery, I'm not sure I can continue in this line of work

It breaks my heart that I may have to give up something I LOVE

I'm saying lots of prayers this morning!

Monday, February 3, 2014


Who in the world thought it was a good idea to include the month of January in the calendar year
It's such a cold boring month 

We're excited that February is finally here

While I'm not looking forward to my first born being another year older,
I am looking forward to Valentine's Day and hopefully some signs of Spring

Growing up, Valentine's Day wasn't a big deal
We got the usual box of Valentines to give our class and that's about it

My children know they're loved but I want them to know what I love about them
and February is the perfect month for this
Each day leading up to Valentine's Day,
I leave a heart on the boys door telling them what I LOVE about them
 Spencer would never tell you that he enjoyed this
Parker LOVES it!

I am also doing 14 days of Valentines for the boys this year
We're on day 3 and so far here is what they've received

                                 Day 1: You Melt My Heart- White Chocolate Hot Chocolate
                                 Day 2: You Make Me Smile- Tooth brushes and tooth paste
                                 Day 3: You're My Main Squeeze- Dole Squish'ems

On Valentines Day or shortly after, I'll post what I gave them for all 14 days 

I rigged up some of these Valentine buntings for our living room windows
I'm hoping to get some other Valentine decor made but we'll see if time allows
We're supposed to be getting dumped on again tomorrow
Maybe we can get some fun stuff made

Happy February!