Last week I wrote a post about Parker's scary reaction to an allergy shot
Here's that post
Here's the update:
After talking to his Dr. and nurse in IC, we all decided it would be good for him to be seen up there
before we continued any more shots here in Muscatine
Parker and I made the trip last Thursday
We saw his doctor, we explained everything that happened and
we showed pictures of his swollen arm and the hives that covered his back, chest and neck
I took the bottle of serum that they had taken the shot from with us
The nurse was going to measure out each dose to see if he was given more than he should have been
They were short staffed due to two nurses having babies the same week so that didn't happen
Parker's doctor held up a bottle that was missing one dose (.05) and Parker's bottle
There was a noticeable difference in the amounts
Our guess is that Parker was given .5 instead of .05
When we're putting an allergen in a body, this is serious stuff
I've gone through the emotions
I understand mistakes happen but when I'm putting the health
and well being of my child in their hands,
I expect the right dose of medicine to be given!
Parker's doctor is fabulous and always asks Parker how he's doing
She faced him and asked him if the reaction was scary
I never in a million years would have expected him to say yes
but he did and my heart broke
She asked him if he wanted to continue to do shots
and explained that the reaction he had wasn't normal
I didn't want him to feel pressured in any way to keep going with the shots
I was having seconds thoughts myself
Parker decided to continue getting allergy shots
They backed him up a little so we are back to the blue bottle of serum
He got a shot the day we were in IC and had NO reaction
He will get 2 more shots from the blue serum in Muscatine
( I will be watching the dosage like a hawk)
and then we will be going back up to Iowa City to get the dose that gave him the reaction
His doctor wants to be the one giving that shot in case he has another reaction
There's a small chance that it could be the way that bottle of serum was mixed
or it could be that his body just isn't ready for that dose
but they're guessing he was given too much
I'll be updating again in a few weeks
We couldn't be more proud of Parker, he's such a trooper!