Friday, July 20, 2012

School shopping will be the death of me

There are very few things that I HATE doing

Shoe shopping for my boys and school shopping 
rank # one and # two

I refuse to buy any clothes with the exception of socks before school starts
They don't need jeans when it's one hundred degrees out and they will be in a different size by fall

Last year I shopped for school supplies a little each week leading up to school starting
I wasn't nearly as stressed out and was able to find everything on the boys lists

I sure hope the boys teachers aren't too picky about supplies this year :
I have a thousand pencils laying around,
  three ringer binders that are still in good shape, 
a  Ziploc baggie full of dry erase markers and a dry erase board
a full bottle of glue (combined 2 bottles from last year)

I'm sorry teachers but I will not be buying BRAND NEW stuff if I can make what I have work

The kids will each have 12 sharpened pencils 
(Will they all match? No but they are pencils and they are sharpened)
The kids will have dry erase boards
(They may be a little stained but they will work)
The kids may not have half inch three ringer binders
(They will have one inch binders because I have ten of those in my hutch)

I don't even want to think about how much money we spend every year registering our kids for school
We pay 160 dollars just for our kids to ride the bus because we live within 2 miles of the school
Do you think I'm going to let my children walk to school on the busiest street in Muscatine?
Yeah, I don't think you want your children to do that either!
Doesn't it make more sense to charge the families that live further away because of  the amount of gas?
Then we add on lunch money, book fees and this year a band fee


I also think way back when I was in school
Teachers didn't ask for big bottles of hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes and we still survived

And why would any child need 6 packages of loose leaf paper
(Take 23 students x 6 pkgs x 130 sheets of paper = 17,940 sheets of paper
That is just ridiculous! 
Shouldn't we be teaching our kids about saving trees and recycling?

I guess all that's REALLY important is that my kiddos get a good education and enjoy school

School will be starting a month from today

Even Amelia is ready for school
She LOVES Parker's bag for some reason

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