Friday, August 30, 2013

Living the - What if's

My husband must tell me at least once a week that we can't live the what if's
I know I shouldn't live this way but it's so easy to try to guard ourselves

Should I go blow every penny we have in savings? What if I die tonight?
Should we go on a vacation next week that we really can't afford? What if we all die tomorrow?

Life is short and often times, it's over in the blink of an eye

Would we live differently if we knew we only had a month to live?
I know I would
Shouldn't we live every day like it's our last?

I tend to live the "what if" life
I've missed out on opportunities because I play the what if game
I try to protect my family instead of letting us live and learn

I came across a blog this week that put a week spot in my heart 
and gave me that anxious feeling of - What if

This young family has been through so much yet they are so strong
They look for the good in every situation and know that there's always something to be thankful for

Here's the blog if you would like to learn more about this AMAZING family

Zach is legally blind due to swelling of the optic nerves

After reading post after post from this beautiful family,
I can't help but think of my Spencer

At 9 we were told that he had large optic nerves
At this point they look healthy and symmetrical and his optometrist doesn't seem concerned
Spencer has regular eye exams and Dr. Kreuger is always so kind to look extra close at those nerves

Doctors don't know what caused Zach's optic nerves to swell
I commented on their blog and asked if Zach had any vision issues as a child
His wife responded and said the doctors never said anything about them looking abnormal

Would it do us any good to know whether this is something we would ever face
No it wouldn't
So why am I anxious and thinking - What if

I saw this Pinterest

"what" and "if" are two words as non-threatening as words can be
But put them together side by side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life
What if?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


The month of September scares me
I took a peek at the calendar and it's busting at the squares

This gal starts another job tomorrow
The costochondritis has hit like a raging bull
It's safe to say that the pains in my chest are stress related and not heart related
even though it feels like I'm having a heart attack at least once every hour
So the job is going to take some organization and help from others under this roof
We'll see how it goes but if they would like to continue their hobbies, then this gal must work 

Yesterday morning I spent an hour on the phone moving appointments that were made prior to being hired
Spencer will be seeing Dr. Hall for a braces consultation 
{This is the time a parent wishes her child's teeth were a complete wreck so insurance would cover them}
I had a dentist appointment but will now have to wait until October
Parker will be seeing Dr. Little at the end of the month for his allergy/asthma check up
He will also be seeing Dr. Simpson for his usual 6 month check up
Why must all these appointments be crammed in one month? 
{Bad planning on my part}

It's hard to believe that Muskie Homecoming is less than a month away 
which probably means I should get on the ball and order a Central  Chargers shirt for the boy

Homecoming is also the kick off date for the Colorado Fall Festival
Our elementary school only does one BIG fundraiser a year 
It takes a ton of work but it's so much fun and worth not having 5 fundraisers
The last few years I have been in charge of ticket counting two weeks before the fall festival
I'm still trying to figure out how all of this is going to happen with the new job but I'll make it work
It's an exciting week and we're looking forward to it

My mom and I are busy planning a Vintage Pyrex bridal shower for my adorable cousin
She will marrying her best friend November 9th and let me just say - We LOVE weddings

September 23rd I will be back teaching gymnastics 2 nights a week
I love teaching and seeing the kids
but I'm secretly wishing that the hubby would find a new/better job so I could give this up
Working 3 nights a week is rough and when they only pay minimum wage after 3 years of being there....
Yep... I'm asking myself if it's really worth the hundred dollars a month

So with all of this stuff going on and the normal every day stuff
bowling, youth group, school and other jobs, it's going to be chaotic around here

I think we're ready!
Bring on September but please bring the cooler temps with you when you come

We made it!

We have the first full week of school under our belts and so far things are going well

Our biggest obstacles:

This mama is having a hard time with the lack of control I have over my middle schooler
Over night I was expected to hand it over and I'm not liking it
In middle school there isn't much communication between teachers and parents
{My main concern: Is there  homework and is it being done?}
I'm sure I could pick up the phone and call and they would be more than happy to chat with me
I guess the school is expecting the students to take responsibility
If I'm already panicking, I can't imagine what I'll be like when these kids go to college

The hubby and I will be attending Parent's Night tomorrow night
and hopefully I'll feel bettered about everything

Remember those spellings tests we hate.... Ugh!
We hate them because we have to work hard at them but hard work pays off

We've had some minor things here and there:

Who suggested we start school on August 16th? The kids are roasting in the 90 degree temps
Acid burn on the lips due to eating an orange {you guessed it - Parker}
The mulch on the play ground may not have been such a good idea {splinters}

HIGH LIGHTS of the first week:
We survived {need I say more}
Our rock star {Parker} acing his first AR test
Not school related BUT Spencer went to CRUX {youth group} for the first time and loved it

Over all things are going GREAT!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Summer Fun List

Summer Fun List

Places we went and things we did

Discovery Center . Fed the ducks at Weed Park . Went to Grandma Camp . Swam with cousins 
Niabi Zoo . Natural Science Museum . Sparklers . Rode the Parks and Rec. Family Bike Ride 
Played Baseball . Reading Program at the Library . Wild Cat Den . Aquatic Center . Water fight
Zoo Garden at Weed Park . Vacation Bible School . Palms Theatre . Adventure Land  . Parades
Out to the farm to visit the kitties  . Climb Trees . Picnic . Mississippi Mist . Bubbles . Fishing . Parks
Sidewalk Chalk . Game Night . Drive In Theatre . Orchestra Camp . Canoed the Maquoketa River
Young Artist Scholarship Day at the Figge . 2nd place in the baseball championship . Smores
Skate Park .  Stayed at a hotel . Maquoketa Caves . Fun City . Played with friends . Mcflurries
Sleepover at Grandmas . Slip and Slide . Toured the new school . Snake exhibit . Found frogs
Family reunion . Did some baking . Walked in the creek . Met new friends . Rode scooters

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I forgot how much I hate this

We are on day 3 of school and I could already take it or leave it

Yesterday was the first "full" day of school
{Thursday and Friday they dismissed at 1:05}

Parker brought his first list of spelling words home and Oh My!
I forgot how much I hate spelling words and getting the kids to practice
We had tears and stomping
It was UGLY

We both took a break and tried again later
It went much better but I'm dreading going over them again today

Part of our problem is - Parker is lacking sleep
The boy needs sleep and he's not a morning person
It's funny that at 6 months old, I could have told you this

We went to the drive in Saturday night
and the lack of sleep has left everyone a little crabby this week

I'm thinking Parker may need an earlier bed time
The boys head to bed at 8:00, we/they read and lights are out at 8:30
I'm thinking we may have to try heading to bed at 7:45 and see how that goes

Back to spelling words:
When going over spelling words, I realize why the English language/spelling is so hard to learn

For example:
I ask Parker to spell the word - compare
I say sound it out
He spells - cumpair
Yep.... That's the way it sounds


I ask Parker to spell - Mr. Castle {the principal}
He writes - Mr. Casle
Again... that's the way it sounds

and one more

The word is - because
why not spell it - becuz

It's no wonder these children struggle to spell words correctly

Parker got a hundred percent in spelling last year and he worked HARD to get that perfect score
He knows he can do it but it's going to be another struggle

I'm thankful that I get to be home after school to help the boys with homework
I know they will scream and stop but some day they'll be happy I helped them

Friday, August 16, 2013

Back to school {6th and 3rd grade}

These kids were SO EXCITED to go back to school yesterday

I would have liked them to dress a little nicer but these boys are all about comfort

The first 2 days of schools they had 2 hour early dismissal
I guess they're breaking them in slowly

Parker is loving his new teacher and having his best friend {Jack} in his class
He is playing soccer every recess and leaving the new play ground equipment for the other kids

Spencer got to go to all 7 classes today and told me he didn't get lost
{I'm not sure if he would tell me if he did get lost}
We are slowly learning the secrets to drop off and pick up
{Whoever decided to put 2 schools between 2 of the busiest streets in town was not thinking}

We're hoping for another great school year
So far it's looking good

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Counting down: 1 day left {Tying up loose ends}

Yesterday we tied up some loose ends and got everything ready for today

A new violin was first on our list
Spencer had the half size and really needed to upgrade mid year but it just didn't happen
I was ecstatic to walk in to West Music and be walking back out in less than 5 minutes

We couldn't drive an hour there and an hour back for just one errand
so we hit up a few of our favorite stores
We picked up some plates and napkins for Parker's birthday at 40% off
the boys oohed and aahed over the Under Armour clothes at TJ maxx

We came home and I let the kids have some time playing with friends
while I checked the back packs to make sure we had everything we needed
before heading off to back to school night 

I'm not sure what the big deal is at the schools these days
 but they won't tell you who your teacher is until the night before school starts
It's all fine and dandy if you get your teacher of choice
but if you don't, you might need more than 14 hours to adjust and come to terms with it

The smiles say it all

Not only is this boy relieved he got his first pick, this mam is beyond thrilled
Mrs. Yahn is AMAZING and I know without a doubt we are going to have a great school year

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Counting down: 2 days left {Middle School}

In the blink of an eye my baby grew up

On Monday night we had 6th grade orientation
{This mama was in panic mode}

A big school, 7 different classes with 7 different teachers and hundreds of kids

We were introduced to the principal and teachers 
and then we got to find our way around

Spencer was most excited about finding his locker and getting the combination right
He nailed it 6 times!
I have a feeling he may be helping some of the other kids 

We walked his schedule route twice and got to meet his teachers

We saw a shy side to Spence that we've never seen before
One of his teacher's introduced herself and he just stood there staring at her
Chip and I laughed and said Spencer looked at her like he had never heard anyone speak before

We saw lots of friends and I'm hoping that the Colorado Alumni stick together
{There such a great group of kids}

The staff encouraged us to come back this week when the halls weren't so busy
They want to make sure each child is comfortable with their locker and class locations

Tuesday morning we headed back to Central to find our way around 
and show little brother what he has to look forward to

Thursday's the BIG day!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Counting down: 3 days left {Aquatic Fun}

We're counting down the days before the kiddos are back in school

Yesterday we went to the aquatic center
We only made it there twice this summer
I just couldn't see paying $10 for an hour or two of swimming
When we go, I like to stay and make it worth the money
{I'm secretly thinking about buying the family a family pass for next summer}

The boys had a blast going down slides and jumping off the diving board

These boys could live in the water

Monday, August 12, 2013

Classified Ad: ISO- A BUBBLE

In Search of: A BUBBLE 

He has us stumped again

On Tuesday Parker told me that he thought he had a fat lip
I took a look and didn't think it looked puffy 
He had been drinking pop with a straw so I thought he may have bumped his lip

Wednesday morning, he woke up and said his lips hurt SO BAD

This little guy has had a rough summer 
and we just can't get things figured out

My mom said the blisters look like cold sores but he's never had them before

I called his allergist and she said it sounded like 
a reaction to something or a virus

So we wait it out 

In the mean time, I'm thinking this boy needs a bubble

Taking the morning off

 Friday I took the morning off to give my boys some undivided attention

They have been so patient as I've worked my tail off this summer

They are pretty use to the normal routine 
but this summer I didn't stick to "the norm" 
I worked just about every day which they are not use to
They were also drug to work to watch me teach gymnastics twice a week

Anyway I've been feeling guilty so I took the morning off

I got up and made their favorite breakfast {Monkey Bread}

We took the scooters down to the skate park

And after the boys were drenched in sweat, we went to the fountain

They wouldn't stand still long enough for me to get some pictures

It's hard to believe that school starts in 3 days
We have 6th grade orientation tonight and back to school night Wednesday

Monday, August 5, 2013

It's our last full week

It's our last full week before the boys head back to school

While I am panicking a little because I feel like we didn't do a lot this summer,
the boys are outside playing with friends enjoying the beautiful weather {71 degrees}

I'm nervous about the school year
A new principal at one school and a new school for the other

So many changes going on and then I got a surprise last night to bring more changes

I applied for a very part time job last Thursday and didn't really expect anything to come of it
I was hired without an interview and I'm so excited

I won't be starting until after Labor day
so that will give us a little time to figure out schedules, homework, chores and etc.

I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to manage 3 part time jobs
but I'm reminding myself that I'm blessed and because of these 3 part time jobs,
I'm able to stay home and be there for the boys when they need me

It's going to be another crazy year but we're ready!