Wednesday, August 28, 2013


The month of September scares me
I took a peek at the calendar and it's busting at the squares

This gal starts another job tomorrow
The costochondritis has hit like a raging bull
It's safe to say that the pains in my chest are stress related and not heart related
even though it feels like I'm having a heart attack at least once every hour
So the job is going to take some organization and help from others under this roof
We'll see how it goes but if they would like to continue their hobbies, then this gal must work 

Yesterday morning I spent an hour on the phone moving appointments that were made prior to being hired
Spencer will be seeing Dr. Hall for a braces consultation 
{This is the time a parent wishes her child's teeth were a complete wreck so insurance would cover them}
I had a dentist appointment but will now have to wait until October
Parker will be seeing Dr. Little at the end of the month for his allergy/asthma check up
He will also be seeing Dr. Simpson for his usual 6 month check up
Why must all these appointments be crammed in one month? 
{Bad planning on my part}

It's hard to believe that Muskie Homecoming is less than a month away 
which probably means I should get on the ball and order a Central  Chargers shirt for the boy

Homecoming is also the kick off date for the Colorado Fall Festival
Our elementary school only does one BIG fundraiser a year 
It takes a ton of work but it's so much fun and worth not having 5 fundraisers
The last few years I have been in charge of ticket counting two weeks before the fall festival
I'm still trying to figure out how all of this is going to happen with the new job but I'll make it work
It's an exciting week and we're looking forward to it

My mom and I are busy planning a Vintage Pyrex bridal shower for my adorable cousin
She will marrying her best friend November 9th and let me just say - We LOVE weddings

September 23rd I will be back teaching gymnastics 2 nights a week
I love teaching and seeing the kids
but I'm secretly wishing that the hubby would find a new/better job so I could give this up
Working 3 nights a week is rough and when they only pay minimum wage after 3 years of being there....
Yep... I'm asking myself if it's really worth the hundred dollars a month

So with all of this stuff going on and the normal every day stuff
bowling, youth group, school and other jobs, it's going to be chaotic around here

I think we're ready!
Bring on September but please bring the cooler temps with you when you come

1 comment:

  1. I saw this week the winter forecast - chilly w/ normal moisture. Made me decide to enjoy (sort of) these hot temps!
