We're keeping up but some days I feel like we're barely hanging on
These last couple of weeks have been anything but easy
I'm worked to death and totally exhausted
Last night I went to a craft night and just sat there in a a complete fog
I have so many things I'd like to do but I can't even think straight
This week my schedule looked something like this-
7:45 Drop kids off at school
8:15-10:00 Job #1
10:20-12:00 Job #2
12:30-2:45 Job #1
3:00 Pick up kids
3:40-5:00 Job #2
Make super
On Mondays I teach at job #3 from 7:00-9:30
On Tuesday nights I work at job #1
On Wednesdays Spencer has youth group and the hubby bowls
Some days I wish I just worked a 9-5 job
Then I remind myself that I'm able to be with the boys all summer and we don't have to pay for day care
This to shall pass
So.... with everything going on, I am failing at my October photo challenge
We are 10 days in already and I'm 8 days behind
{Story of my life}
In the very few minutes I get to myself, I've been working my craftiness {or lack of}
I find all these adorable things on Pinterest and try to recreate them
and then I'm totally disappointed with the outcome
I'll share a few things with you later this week
I'm heading out to take some pictures on this beautiful fall morning
Can't wait to see what you made!