Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter 2014

Easter has become one of my favorite holidays
One of the reasons is - My kids no longer believe in the Easter Bunny
When it comes to Easter, we raised the boys the way I was raised
I grew up knowing the meaning of Good Friday and Easter 
but my parents let us experience the other side of Easter as well
 The candy, egg hunts and a new outfit for church on Easter morning
Easter has never been about the EB, Easter baskets, egg hunts and candy
but now that we have that all out of the way,
we focus on what Easter is really about

On Friday the boys had the day off
so they spent it with their friends getting their first sunburn of the year

Saturday was spent working on the deck but we made time for some fun
I decided last minute that I would have an egg coloring party for the boys friends
I set up a table outside in the driveway
I preboiled my eggs so they were all ready and I mixed up a bunch of color

We experimented with kool aid this year and I won't resort back to Paas dye
The kool aid smelled AMAZING {no nasty vinegar}
It took 10 minutes to set up and 5 minutes to color eggs
3 of the 6 kids had never dyed eggs, what's up with that?

Saturday night I finished stuffing things in the kids baskets
I had fun shopping for them and bought them things they needed, not just candy
I didn't set the baskets out this year hoping one kiddo wouldn't wake the other when they got up
They both came walking through my door at 7AM Sunday morning
They LOVED their baskets

The boys got new swimming trunks, sunflower seeds, Power Aid,
money, candy, gum, mac and cheese
Parker got a drawing book and Under Armor sandals
and Spencer got a book and a pair of Nike shorts

Sunday morning we went to church
Parker woke up with a cold/allergies that morning but I insisted we go to church
I felt like an awful mom when the music got a little loud for his aching ears
We set him out in the foyer until prayer and then he came back in
We ended up leaving a bit early from church to make it to family dinner on time
We had great food and conversations as always
My cousin Erica was home from Atlanta and we had fun catching up
 {she got her dream job with the CDC and we miss her tons}
The boys played outside with my Uncle and cousins husband
My Aunt has the most beautiful yard- if you don't believe me, see for yourself
I could sit out there all day, especially when it's 80 degrees like it was on Easter

I didn't take many pictures on Easter
The boys didn't get cute new Easter clothes
Parker looked absolutely miserable with watery eyes, red nose and chapped lips

We had a GREAT Easter!


1 comment:

  1. I just saw some adult post on FB that they've never dyed eggs before. What?!? How is the possible? I'll have to try the Kool Aid eggs next time! I like the colors!
