Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Yard work

This past weekend was full of yard work
I'm dying for a weekend of pure relaxation
We've made some changes that have created a ton of work
We took out 2 big burning bushes in the front of the house
We thought the roots were causing a problem with the foundation
After digging one of the bushes out last fall, we found a hole in the foundation
Ahh haa... hence the water issue every time it rained
We waited too long in the fall to get the other bush out so this weekend we got to work
We took the bush out, checked the foundation, tilled the dirt, fixed the AC unit the was falling in due to the dirt moving every time it rained,  planted some perennials and hauled in some mulch
 I can't wait until they are big and beautiful

When I agreed to let the hubby extend the deck, I agreed with stipulations
The nasty fence would come down too
No fence =No pool
We had a huge hole that we had dug to get the ground level for the pool
Sunday we got two truck loads of dirt but we still need more
We also had a outdoor fire pit that sat in one of the fence corners
It was rusty and got thrown out on big city trash day
We put it in 10 years ago and never thought we would have to tear the rock up around it
Over the weekend, we picked up a million rocks and vowed to never put rock in the yard again
There's always more projects
We live on a terrace and can't grow grass on it
For one thing, you would think we didn't have steps
The kids love to climb up the hill
The hubby tilled one side and planted some grass seed
We'll see if we can keep the kids off of it long enough to grow some grass
In the mean time, it's an eye sore

With all the work comes a pay off


Our one lonely poppy that only lasts a day before the rain usually beats it to death
These peonies were transplanted from my Mom's house


We have been having trouble with squirrels digging in our flower pots
These plastic snakes seem to do the trick
These petunias were a beautiful coral color when I planted them
I wonder if the PH of the dirt can make them change color

1 comment:

  1. I love a good yard project!!! Sounds like so much fun (and so much work!)!!! I bet your whole yard looks so different now! Enjoy the beauty now! (BTW - peonies are my most favorite flower! I have about 10 plants from my Grandma Wehr and I love and adore them all!)
