I had BIG dreams for this summer but a new job took our plans to a screeching halt
We didn't get everything crossed off our summer list but we had fun anyway
Sidewalk Chalk . Parks . Play dough . Build a fort . Make a craft . Legos . Hike .
Bike ride . Walk . Bonfire . Board Game . Zoo . Museum . Swim . Parade . 5K .
Feed the ducks . Library . Picnic . Lowes workshop . Play date . Bake . Fishing .
Movie night . Ice Cream . Scavenger hunt . Drive in . Aquatic center . Read .
Slip and slide . Fireworks . Bubbles . Write a story and illustrate it . Skate park .
Play in the rain . Farmers market . Day Trip . Write a letter . Wild Cat Den . Baseball .
Mississippi Mist . Family reunion . Shaved ice . Random act of kindness . Smores .
Go to a camp . Catch bugs . Learn something new . Field Trip . Vacation . Swim .
Aquatic Center .
Shoot guns .
Play with friends .
Grandma Camp .
Ice Cream .
Fishing .
You read that right... we haven't had smores yet this summer
They're better in the fall any way
Just a few pictures from this summer:
Sweet Treats is a new ice cream shop on the out skirts of town |
What's a summer without beautiful nights spent at the ball park |
Slip and slide at Grandma Camp |
I can't believe the boys are already back in school
Seriously, we didn't get much off our list either! I just didn't have it in me this summer, I'm not much fun when I don't get enough sleep, and w/ Tate I don't get enough sleep. We only went to the pool 2x's!! Hardly any bike rides and walks. I'm bummed out. And you're right, smores are more fun in the fall anyway! :)