What should have started out as a Happy Halloween morning
started with tears instead of smiles
The pumpkin Spencer worked so hard on
was thrown out in the road last night
I put the kids to bed and told them to get a good night sleep,
we would be celebrating Halloween tomorrow.
I walked out in the kitchen, looked out the window and saw pumpkin splattered
I immediately ran to the front window as if I was going to catch these punks
and saw the empty spot where Spencer's pumpkin had been
Within seconds I was on the phone to the police
They sent an officer, who got the pleasure of seeing me in my hot pink snowman pj's,
he said there were pumpkins smashed all over the neighborhood
Why couldn't they have thrown Parker's pumpkin,
I was the one that carved it
No, they had to throw the one that Spencer carved
I woke Spencer up this morning and told him the bad news
Why would they do this, was asked over and over
It was heart breaking to see the boys go outside in the bitter cold
and pick up the pieces of Spencer's pumpkin
I think they wanted to try to put it back together
I think they wanted to try to put it back together
So, after dropping the boys off at school,
I went pumpkin hunting
Do you know how hard it is to find a pumpkin on Halloween?
I went to Wal-mart, Hy-Vee, Fareway and Dollar General
I ended up down at Schmitz Melon Shed
The doors were shut and the shed was closed but there were wagons of pumpkins
I went in the restaurant and begged to purchase a pumpkin
I paid for a pumpkin and picked one I thought Spencer would like
I brought it home and set the table with carving utensils
Then I searched the internet in hopes of finding a cat carving template
He came home and carved his new pumpkin
We ate supper

It wasn't quite like Papa Murphy's pizza but it worked
And our Halloween ended on a happy note
Costumes, Trick or Treating, Lots of Candy,
Some cool Cubs shirts (Thanks Aunt Janelle & Uncle Randy),
Visits with friends
A new Pumpkin
Some cool Cubs shirts (Thanks Aunt Janelle & Uncle Randy),
Visits with friends
A new Pumpkin
You are a wonderful mother!!! :)