Saturday, November 26, 2011

We survived!

Well, we survived Thanksgiving!
I wasn't sure we would this year

Thanksgiving hit me like a ton of bricks

Where has the year gone?
Thanksgiving snuck up on me
and it must have snuck up my my clients as well.
A lot of them waited until the last minute to get in
but were thankful that this girl works extra hours to get them in

On Monday I worked 12 LONG hours between the 2 jobs
The only break I got was to take the boys to the dentist

On Tuesday my little guy woke up looking like this

So I rearranged my CRAZY schedule to take him to the doctor
The diagnosis- Ear infection, possible sinus infection and a NASTY eye infection

Who believes that ear infections and colds appear when children are cutting teeth?
I DO and NO doctor will ever make me change my mind
Speaking of teeth,
Remember these hideous pictures?

Parker couldn't remember how to smile without teeth.
Once those teeth popped thru, THAT SMILE WAS BACK!

Parker's feast at school was on Wednesday and we had to get him better
THANKFULLY, medicine did the trick
and he was able to go back

Once Wednesday night hit, I was exhausted
and SUPER THANKFUL that I had 4 days off to recoup

We celebrated Thanksgiving at my Aunt's house in Davenport
My family sure knows how to cook and bake!
Why didn't I get those genes?

Yesterday the hubby worked,
I stayed home and avoided the CRAZY black Friday sales.
I didn't think it would bother me but I sure missed shopping with my mom
Maybe next year!

Today the hubby is going to drag us out in this gross weather to get a tree
I may have survived Thanksgiving
but I'm not sure I will survive tree hunting in the rain

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