Trust me, I know
I have come across some heart breaking blogs this week
I know things could always be worse
We REALLY have more than we could ever ask for
and trust me I thank God every day for the blessings he has given us
As humans, we always want more
We want more money
I don't know about you but I am TIRED of paying bills
I feel like between our 4 jobs, there should be plenty of money
but it just never seems to be enough
I don't pay to have my hair and nails done, although I would LOVE to
I shop at Goodwill as much as I can
We don't go out on the weekends. In fact I can't tell you when our last date night was
We rarely eat out and when we do, it's McDonalds (Yuck)
We live a pretty simple life style
After examining our bills in January to see where we could cut back,
I came up with very little
We are going to check into refinancing our house
and will hopefully find lower insurance premiums
I SERIOUSLY want to know how people make it on 1 income
I SERIOUSLY want to know how people survive on minimum wage
I SERIOUSLY want to know why I'm working 4 nights a week plus day time hours
It's still not enough
We need a new deck on the house (it has waited for 4 years - It's BAD!)
The fridge is old and I'm just waiting for it to go out
The furnace is OLD and I pray every year that it makes it 1 more year
All 3 of the cars need work -1 doesn't even run
The dentist has already mentioned braces for Spencer
I could just SCREAM!
The hubby has applied for jobs but they would be swing shift
I'm not sure the money would be worth it the time spent away from family
but we need better benefits
We pay over $400.00 a month in health insurance premiums
and we have a $4,000.00 family deductible
We have NO dental or vision insurance
So when one of us needs glasses or a dental exam,
we can plan on spending at least $200.00 a visit
add that up - we are up to another $2,000.00
I guess we just need to be THANKFUL that we have our family and our health
So while I'm making a budget,
I sit here and wonder how our country got so deep in debt
If we can pay our bills, they should be able to also
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