It's Valentines Day and we are HEARTLESS
I have absolutely NO Valentine decor out
No hearts
No red and pink
Before I had kids, I decorated for EVERY holiday
I have no interest now
Maybe because I'm slaving over cute Valentine snacks that take all of my energy
I made 50 of these yesterday

When Spencer came home from school yesterday,
he informed me that he couldn't take his
His class isn't having a Valentine party with candy and goodies
They are having a special pancake lunch
I have no interest now
Maybe because I'm slaving over cute Valentine snacks that take all of my energy
I made 50 of these yesterday

When Spencer came home from school yesterday,
he informed me that he couldn't take his
His class isn't having a Valentine party with candy and goodies
They are having a special pancake lunch
I gave the boys their Valentine gifts this morning

They loved their Axe body spray, books, chocolate and big league gum
I also made them a special Valentine breakfast
Yes, I stole the idea from Pinterest
Parker thought they needed some pink frosting
Grandma brought Valentines over yesterday
If you haven't had my Mom's sugar cookies, you are missing out

Amelia was happy with her gift (tissue paper)
To be honest,
I think Valentines Day is totally overrated
It shouldn't take a holiday to tell someone how much they mean to you
You should do things on a daily basis to show your love for them
I might feel different if I had married a romantic
but I didn't
Happy Valentines Day!
Awesome! My mom brought me sugar cookies too! And "protein bars!"