Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring break

The boys just finishing up Spring break 

I could really do without Spring break

It's usually too cold for the kids to do much outside

In my opinion, ten and a half days off is a bit much for a Spring break

I think it's basically for the teachers to take one last breath so they can get through the year

The boys enjoyed it though

We started the week off by meeting our new cousin John Hadley

We let the boys stay out later in the evenings playing with friends

My mom was AMAZING like we know she is and took the boys several afternoons


we did some grilling and had strawberry floats

Welcome Spring 

Today the boys went back to reality
School and Iowa Tests of Basic Skills
What a way to break them back in

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Playing catch up

Where did February go?
Seriously wasn't it just Christmas?

 I'm playing catch up on the blog today

February was a fast but incredible month

We had beautiful snow with lots of cold days but my oh my were the snowflakes pretty

We had a lot of important doctor appointments

Parker was backed off on his allergy meds because of  the bad reaction he had in January
His Dr. decided to go back to the blue serum
He got 1 dose in IC and 2 doses here in town
When it was time to get back up to the dose he had the reaction to, we went back to IC
The doctors and nurses at Town Square Allergy and Asthma Clinic are fa-nominal
Parker did AMAZING and we are back on track with the yellow vile
He has been a champ through this entire thing 
and we hope to get to the maintenance phase by the end of March
Can I get a whoop whoop?!?!
That will mean 2 shots a month instead of once a week

Spencer saw a new neurologist this month
We decided to switch his care from the University 
when his doctor wanted to take him off of his migraine medicine last Spring
He has done so well on it, I hated to take him off if we didn't have to
Why ruin a good thing?
Dr. Stern agreed and he's staying on his medicine
Spencer doesn't go to the Dr. very often {He's the healthier child}
and we got to get a true weight and height check while we were there
5'0 and 104 lbs 

I hosted a baby shower for my sweet cousin last weekend
She will be blessing us with a bouncing boy any day

That growing boy of ours turned 13 last Sunday
Where does the time go

Spencer had a choir concert Tuesday and an orchestra concert Thursday this last week
These kids keep us on our toes
He'll be participating in the solo and ensemble again this month so lots of practice happening here

We can't believe Spring break is in 2 weeks 
Time flies when Life happens