Sunday, October 4, 2015

Vacations 2015

Our vacation plans this summer didn't work out quite as grand as we hoped
but that's okay because a sweet little one was brought into the world

Our plan was to go to Virginia this summer to visit some dear friends
I didn't get any vacation until after July 28th so we were going to have to wait until August
Not our ideal plan but we would make it work
THEN their daughter announced she was due to have a baby August 12th
Yikes.... She lives in North Carolina and her parents would be traveling there when baby arrived
Baby could come a week early, a week late or right on time
Babies are not predictable so we decided to delay our Virginia plans
Little Charlotte came a few days late while we were on vacation to our other destination

Our "other" destination wasn't nearly as grand but we made the most of it

Everyone needs to attend the Iowa State Fair once in their life time, right?
I remember being drug to the fair when I was little and HATED it
It was hot, I was certain I would die from all the walking and I just wasn't a farm girl

Now that the boys are a little older, I thought it would be the perfect time to take them
They are young enough to still have fun and old enough to remember it

We saw the butter cow, ate fair food, let the kids ride some rides but their favorite part was:
Drum roll......
The cow judging
They loved the cows

We watched one boy get thrown by his cow
My heart broke for that young man
He worked all year with that cow and unfortunately that cow showed the judges who was boss

My best friend and her family camp the entire 2 weeks at the fair
Their 3 girls show cattle and hogs and perform in the Bill Riley talent show every year
Seeing them was the high light of my day at the fair

A few pictures of our day at the fair:

The FAMOUS butter cow

The Monopoly guy was new this year

Fair food is a must
Pricey but so yummy

The boys got to rock climb and zip line

While we were in Des Moines we went to Sky Zone

The boys
 mentioned that they wanted to go to Sky Zone
This place is AMAZING for non stop boys
Give them an hour of time and I guarantee they'll be wore out when you leave

We ate at Zombie Burger

People definitely hype this place up

The food was good, we can say we've been there but we probably won't ever go back
Who orders a salad at a burger joint?
That would be me because it looked better than a greasy burger on a hot day

After we finished up at Zombie Burger, we drove up the road to the pappajohn sculpture park
It was HOT and the kids weren't really interested in the sculptures as much as climbing on the wall

No, we didn't break the rules
It may look like Parker is sitting on the horse but he's really sitting on the wall behind it

One of the highlights of our trip was cooling off at Orange Leaf
I pulled out my phone and googled ice cream shops near us
{Isn't technology great? What did we do before we had phones?}
I saw Orange Leaf frozen yogurt was minutes away
 I hadn't heard of one of these
 but the minute we walked in the door I knew I found my new favorite indulgence
It was worth every penny of the $27 we spent
Some of our favorite flavors were -
Strawberry Lemonade
Peanut butter cup
Wedding cake
Peach mango

So Des Moines wasn't nearly as awesome as Virginia would have been
but we did some firsts and made memories and that's whats important

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Summer? What Summer?

We had back to school nights this past week
Tuesday night for Spencer and Thursday night for Parker
I didn't take pictures because "we're to cool for that"

I decided that it would be best to have the boys one on one
I posted before about my love for having theses boys one on one
I love having them together but there's something about having them one on one
Having them one on one lets us focus on THAT ONE
When they are separated, their personalities come out more
We talk about stuff we might not talk about when the other one is there (they like different things)
They are different and it makes me more aware of how different and grown up they're becoming
It's sad but at the same time, it's absolutely amazing

On Tuesday night we went to Spencer's school
He ran up and down the steps and left us in the dust
He found his locker, his classrooms and introduced himself to all his teachers
At one point, I had tears in my eyes
This boy is something else!
Spencer can talk to anyone, this boy will have NO problem finding a job
He's outgoing and can have a conversation with ANYONE
I love that about him!
I'm not sure where it came from because his dad and I are both a little quiet
especially when it comes to people we don't know
I watched other students steer clear of teachers or their parents introduced them
I'm glad Spencer can talk to them and can make a great first impression

After back to school night, Spencer wanted Cheri Top so that's what we had

Parker's back to school night was Thursday
As we walked into the school, he said Summer sure went fast
YES, YES it did!
We were certain he would have Mrs. Truitt because he has had all the teacher's Spencer had
Boy were we surprised to find out he has Mrs. Hartman
He was beaming ear to ear
He loves Mrs. Truitt but Mrs. Hartman is pretty darn cool
Her classroom is filled with animals
Snakes, lizards, fish, frogs, ferrets, hissing cockroaches.....
I can't handle the smell but the kids absolutely LOVE it
Parker put all of his supplies where they were supposed to go and he was out of there

That day he found a Subway coupon for a free sandwich with the purchase of a sandwich
Needless to say he was a super cheap date and was pretty proud of it
After we got our sandwiches, we drove to Weed Park to eat and check out the new lion sculpture

They will be off to school tomorrow morning
Ready or not

Friday, August 7, 2015

You have got to be kidding me!

You have got to be kidding me!
It's August 7th ALREADY?

We aren't wasting any time getting into August and we're fitting in as much as we can

Last Saturday was the Halo 5k in Bettendorf
You can read more about it here
Post race sweaty picture but we'll treasure the memories while supporting a great cause

The kiddos have some NASTY poison ivy
I think I taught them to believe in karma
They were told not to go down by the creek
Guess where they got into the poison ivy
The truth came out
Life's no fun when you have poison ivy, especially on your eye

On Sunday my brother and his family got back from South Dakota
They stopped in Iowa before heading back to Wisconsin
My mom did her annual Grandma Camp while they were here
Sadly, it only lasted 3 days but my oh my were those days fun filled
I'll be doing a separate post on Camp at a later date since my mom took most of the pictures

On Monday Spencer got his braces off

On Tuesday the boys had dentist appointments for cleanings
Dr Peterson couldn't believe how great Spencer's teeth look
{I'd have to agree!}
He said he sees a lot of the white railroad tracks from kids not brushing well
{I think Spencer was just lucky!}
I was a bit nervous to see how his restoration looked once the braces were off
Dr. Peterson did a heck of a job fixing the chipped tooth
 because he doesn't need to make any adjustments now that the teeth are straight

On Wednesday I had my follow up with the surgeon to check the lump in my breast
Everything looks good but he wants me to have a mammogram every year from now on
I can finally breathe again

The kids are signed up for school
This was the first year they tried to get everyone to sign up online
Let me just say, I was about ready to jump off a bridge by the time I was done
Technology is great for some things but there are still kinks to be worked out
We have about half of the school supplies bought 
I'm still trying to figure out why each 5th grader needs 10 glue sticks
Does one classroom really use 200 glue sticks in a year?

On to better things
We will be vacationing again soon
We're not going far but we'll be doing a few things we've been wanting to do so it's exciting
I'll be posting more on that soon

This weekend my mama is taking me away to celebrate my birthday a little early
We don't get enough time to spend together, just the two of us
She's also going to help me paint my kitchen
My goodness I LOVE that woman!

It's Friday and I couldn't be happier

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

It's Flying

This summer is flying by

I'm not taking the time to blog so I'll recap
 and will hopefully find time to go in a little more detail later

I've been reminded that school registration online is already open
I'm putting if off until the very last minute because I'm not ready to go bankrupt
I'm also not ready to have my baby start his last year at elementary school
and my oldest start his last year in middle school
Say what!?!?
I'm just not ready for all that stuff
When I became a mom, people told me time would fly but as Junie B. Jones would say,
woweee wow wow
Can't they just stay little so I can read them Junie B. Jones books again?

I saw this picture last week and got teary
This was taken a year ago

This was taken last week
Not the best picture but someone please put a brick on that boys head
I know there will come a day when he won't take a selfie with me so I'm treasuring every picture I get
My heart bursts with love for this boy

We took a trip!
I'd like to call it a vacation but I read this and decided it wasn't a vacation, it was a trip
Yes, I finally took a day off work so we could go away over the 4th of July
We went to Wisconsin to spend some time with my brother and his family
My parents were also there at the same time
Great memories made in a few short days
Lake Michigan was COLD but it didn't stop these kids
Our trip wouldn't be complete with out this
Ice cream from Cedar Crest Dairy
Fire works on the 4th
Bro and Sis Coke cans
Oh and I love the seagull photo bombing us 
The Belmont cow
We stop at the cow every time we go to Wisconsin

The summer ball season is over and it was an exciting year
 Parker's team took 1st place in the championship
This kid struggled to hit all year, he was the youngest and smallest on the team and just didn't have it
Then tournaments started and the switch flipped; the boy hit an in the park homeroom
Where was that all season?
Dad got to help coach the Bridgestone team
I was so proud of him for building the kids back up after the other coach would tear them down
Yes, it was one of those years and we're glad it's behind us

Spencer's team took 2nd place in the championship for their age bracket
Spencer's coach (back left) was fa-nominal and so positive
He wasn't all about winning like a lot of the coaches
Spencer did some catching and pitching and has decided to play fall ball this year

Our princess turned 4 and I forgot her birthday
Oh my goodness, we love this girl and she knows it

Work has been weird
 I'm so ready for normal what ever that might be
My coworker took a job in a different department July 1st
I've been working extra hours and spent the last week and a half training my new coworker
Later this week I start my new hours of 8-2
Life will be grand!

I started making time for ME
Yep, that's the BIG NEWS
My kids are in a million activities,
the hubby bowls
I do nothing
So I got frustrated, basically blew a fuse and told them that it was time I took some time out for ME
I signed up for 4, 5k's and 1, 10k
Yes, this is what I consider fun!
The night before a race, we pick up our race packets, have supper and shop for cute race clothing
How much more fun does life get?
We walk/run the race and then treat ourselves to Starbucks or a donut
I have some pretty amazing friends who are weird like me and love doing 5k's so it's great
When mama gets some "me" time, I'm much more enjoyable to be around

Well, that's a recap
We're planning one more trip before school starts
and the boys have a summer bucket list we haven't even got to
I hope the month of August creeps by

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Our plans for SUMMER break

Dang it, it's hard being a working mama
I wish I would have treasured those summer days more when I was home with the kids
We're just going to make the most of it this year

I found out last week that my work schedule will be changing
For the last 10 months, I've worked 11-5
Starting July 1st, my hours will be 8-2
I'm not sure what to think 
The boys will be home longer by themselves
I kind of liked having the mornings to myself to run errands and get things done
getting the kids supper and to ball practices and games by 5:00 is tough
I'm a morning person so it will be nice to get my day started early and get it over with
It's going to take some adjusting but I think it will be great

As for our summer plans:
We will be playing ball until the second week in July
We have a trip to Wisconsin planed
We will be taking the boys to the Iowa State Fair for the first time
I'm sure we'll be spending time at the Aquatic Center
We plan to do lots of reading
We'll be making a lot of smores in our new outdoor fire pit

Yesterday was the boys first day of SUMMER break
I left them a list of jobs to get done
One of the jobs was to write 10 things they would like to do this summer

Here are their lists:

Go to Sky Zone
     Go  fishing
Go to the Aquatic Center
Stay up late
Go to Wisconsin and do fun things
Have a fire in the fire pit
Learn to play the piano
Go for a long bike ride
Go to Grandma's a lot

Go to Sky Zone
Make hot dogs on the fire
Have steak
Have smores
Go to Happy Joe's
Buy 5 things at the Dollar Tree
Stay up late
Play baseball with the family
Eat 2 pies 
Library stuff (The summer reading program)

Do you think Parker was hungry when he made his list?
I laughed reading them because for one,
I was impressed that the things they want to do are not over the top like I thought they would be
and because the lists have their names written all over them
Spencer is all about being awesome and Parker only thinks about food

The boys are enjoying sleeping in and today they'll be hanging out with Grandma

How much better can it get?

Monday, June 1, 2015

Summer Break 2015

The boys are officially on SUMMER break
I can't believe we have another school year under our belts
On our way to school Friday, Spencer reminded me that he'll be an 8th grader next year
What that heck!?!? 
Excuse me, I'm feeling a little nauseous

We celebrated the last day of school with Dunkin Donuts for breakfast
Parker got to go to the Aquatic Center with his school
Spencer had field day
and we got Tees ice cream and closed the place down

Hello SUMMER! 
31 days until our family vacation but who's counting

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Life Lately

Life lately has been keeping us on our toes and making us feel incredibly blessed

We are in the home stretch of the last month of school
with a million activities to fill the last 2 weeks
Spencer was given the Best Attitude award at his orchestra concert last week
and also got an award for getting a 1- on a solo and ensemble piece
We have a choir concert Thursday and movie night at school this Friday

Baseball practices have started and oh my goodness how we missed being at the ball field
The boys LOVE playing ball and we LOVE watching them
Opening ceremonies was Saturday and we had gorgeous weather
Whats not to LOVE about ball park food, sunshine and great friends 

 While there is no place we'd rather be, practices 3-4 nights a week take time from other things

Two months ago, I was asked by the PTO to treat our teachers for Teacher App. Week
Last week was THE WEEK and we delivered 52 gifts every day
with an added bonus of breakfast on Friday for all of the staff
It was fun but I've never been so happy to put all my craft stuff away
Maybe this is why I don't get any of my own projects done

I'm not sure why I thought it would be a good idea to add a little more work to our lives but we did

After wanting to remodel one of our bathrooms since the day we looked at our house (15 years ago),
things are finally starting to come together
The corner shower leaked after multiple caulk jobs so I finally said, THIS IS IT!
I should say that more often because things happen when I say that
I spent a month picking out a shower (I could never build a home- there are too many decisions)
In my mind, I knew I wanted this particular corner tub we had seen at Menards
but kept thinking it would be too big
I didn't want to have my knees shoved in the side of the tub when I was on the toilet
We measured and measured and drew lines - I'm a visual person
In the end, we decided to GO BIG

Here's a  photo of the work in progress:
The old leaky corner shower
We had to do some floor repair due to the leak
I'll post more pictures of the bathroom when it's done

While all of our projects were in full swing, 
I fit in a few Dr appointments for myself  that I had been putting off
I've had a sore on my foot since December that I tried to treat myself but it didn't work
It was a deep plantars wart that's going to need some more attention

Two days later I had an appointment for a yearly lady exam and some blood work
What should have been a quick exam ended up being a 2 hour appointment
My Dr. found a lump in my right breast
4 days later (the longest 4 days of my life) I had a mammogram and ultrasound
So far everything looks good but I'll be seeing a surgeon later this month

Mother's Day was a little more sentimental than it has been in the past
A week prior, I wasn't sure what my future would look like
Life can change in the blink of an eye
I'm so thankful that I'm on the other side of this and blessed
The boys made me breakfast and cards on Sunday and we spent the evening with my parents

Our jobs are going well
The hubby is working a lot of over time
 and I'm thrilled to be working in a t-shirt rather than my parka
I had my 9 month review last week that went fabulous
My boss is kind of a negative nancy so I was dreading my first review
A great review and a raise can turn anyone's day around

Our vacation plans are in the works
I've worked 9 months with NO vacation
This was quite a change from the flexible schedule I had before
Come the end of July I will FINALLY have vacation time and I'm going to CELEBRATE
So far we have 2 trips planned

Well, that's a wrap up
I'm hoping to write more blog posts this summer


Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring break

The boys just finishing up Spring break 

I could really do without Spring break

It's usually too cold for the kids to do much outside

In my opinion, ten and a half days off is a bit much for a Spring break

I think it's basically for the teachers to take one last breath so they can get through the year

The boys enjoyed it though

We started the week off by meeting our new cousin John Hadley

We let the boys stay out later in the evenings playing with friends

My mom was AMAZING like we know she is and took the boys several afternoons


we did some grilling and had strawberry floats

Welcome Spring 

Today the boys went back to reality
School and Iowa Tests of Basic Skills
What a way to break them back in

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Playing catch up

Where did February go?
Seriously wasn't it just Christmas?

 I'm playing catch up on the blog today

February was a fast but incredible month

We had beautiful snow with lots of cold days but my oh my were the snowflakes pretty

We had a lot of important doctor appointments

Parker was backed off on his allergy meds because of  the bad reaction he had in January
His Dr. decided to go back to the blue serum
He got 1 dose in IC and 2 doses here in town
When it was time to get back up to the dose he had the reaction to, we went back to IC
The doctors and nurses at Town Square Allergy and Asthma Clinic are fa-nominal
Parker did AMAZING and we are back on track with the yellow vile
He has been a champ through this entire thing 
and we hope to get to the maintenance phase by the end of March
Can I get a whoop whoop?!?!
That will mean 2 shots a month instead of once a week

Spencer saw a new neurologist this month
We decided to switch his care from the University 
when his doctor wanted to take him off of his migraine medicine last Spring
He has done so well on it, I hated to take him off if we didn't have to
Why ruin a good thing?
Dr. Stern agreed and he's staying on his medicine
Spencer doesn't go to the Dr. very often {He's the healthier child}
and we got to get a true weight and height check while we were there
5'0 and 104 lbs 

I hosted a baby shower for my sweet cousin last weekend
She will be blessing us with a bouncing boy any day

That growing boy of ours turned 13 last Sunday
Where does the time go

Spencer had a choir concert Tuesday and an orchestra concert Thursday this last week
These kids keep us on our toes
He'll be participating in the solo and ensemble again this month so lots of practice happening here

We can't believe Spring break is in 2 weeks 
Time flies when Life happens

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Allergy shot update

Last week I wrote a post about Parker's scary reaction to an allergy shot 
Here's that post 

Here's the update:
After talking to his Dr. and nurse in IC, we all decided it would be good for him to be seen up there
before we continued any more shots here in Muscatine
Parker and I made the trip last Thursday 
We saw his doctor, we explained everything that happened and
 we showed pictures of his swollen arm and the hives that covered his back, chest and neck

I took the bottle of serum that they had taken the shot from with us
The nurse was going to measure out each dose to see if he was given more than he should have been
They were short staffed due to two nurses having babies the same week  so that didn't happen
Parker's doctor held up a bottle that was missing one dose (.05) and Parker's bottle
There was a noticeable difference in the amounts

Our guess is that Parker was given .5 instead of .05
When we're putting an allergen in a body, this is serious stuff
I've gone through the emotions
I understand mistakes happen but when I'm putting the health
 and well being of my child in their hands,
I expect the right dose of medicine to be given!

Parker's doctor is fabulous and always asks Parker how he's doing
She faced him and asked him if the reaction was scary
I never in a million years would have expected him to say yes
but he did and my heart broke

She asked him if he wanted to continue to do shots 
and explained that the reaction he had wasn't normal
I didn't want him to feel pressured in any way to keep going with the shots
I was having seconds thoughts myself

Parker decided to continue getting allergy shots

They backed him up a little so we are back to the blue bottle of serum
He got a shot the day we were in IC and had NO reaction
He will get 2 more shots from the blue serum in Muscatine 
( I will be watching the dosage like a hawk)
and then we will be going back up to Iowa City to get the dose that gave him the reaction

His doctor wants to be the one giving that shot in case he has another reaction
There's a small chance that it could be the way that bottle of serum was mixed
or it could be that his body just isn't ready for that dose
but they're guessing he was given too much

I'll be updating again in a few weeks

We couldn't be more proud of Parker, he's such a trooper!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Double Digits for Parker

I forgot to post about Parker's birthday so before we're celebrating another birthday at our house,
 I'm backing up to my babes birthday

On December 17th, my baby turned 10!
How can both of my kids be in the double digits already?

We make Parker's birthday a BIG deal because it's so close to Christmas
 We never want him to feel jipped like so many who have birthdays in December

We had his family birthday party early in hopes of making it more special
He was spoiled rotten of course and loved all his gifts
This was his favorite card
I sure wish I could remember what the inside said, something about eating every last crumb
This boy got his mama's sweet tooth so it's only normally to love a card that says, eat CAKE
Grandma made this adorable Santa outfit for his Build a Bear
Look at those eyes sparkle
He LOVES it!
Parker picked out a hunting themed cake 

We don't eat out much so it's a treat when the kids get to pick their birthday restaurant
If their birthday falls on a week day, we go the weekend before or the weekend following
We went the weekend before and Parker picked Buffalo Wild Wings

On his birthday he opened his gifts

Clothes, more clothes, Star Wars Rebel Action Figures,
Birthday Cake M&M's and Birthday Cake Poptarts

What more could a boy ask for?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The weekend we hope to never relive

We had a weekend we don't ever want to relive
Parker started allergy shots back in October
He has been a patient at Town Square Allergy and Asthma Clinic for about 5 years now
Last spring his allergies were out of this world awful and we finally gave in to the shot business
The shots are administered at Parker's regular doctors office so we don't have to drive to IC weekly
A patient starting allergy shots can get a shot every 3 days
We have the insurance from #%&&,
so we have to pay a $25 copay every time he gets a shot so we are spreading them out
We know it will take longer to get through the whole shot process (like years and years)
but this is what we decided was best for us

My mom has been AMAZING helping take Parker so he doesn't have to miss so much school
On Friday, Parker had a shot at 4:00
They gave him the shot, sent him out, checked his arm after 30 minutes and sent him on his way
The nurse commented that they were starting a new bottle and he may need some Benadryl
My mom dropped Parker off at home with the hubby and told him to give him some Benadryl
My hubby, being the man he is just put some Benadryl cream on the injection site
By the time I got home shortly after 5, we had some serious issues going on
Parker was breaking out in a rash, his arm was painful, itching, red and hot and he was coughing
These are not the normal reactions from an allergy shot
I gave him Benadryl and had him use his inhaler
I tried to remain calm but when your baby is having a reaction that's effecting his airway,
this mama had every right to become a hot mess and trust me, I was
I called my mom in a panic and she ran us some Zantac
{Zantac and Zyrtec are often used together to treat allergic reactions}
While my mom was dropping off the medicine, she asked if Parker had said anything about the shot
In the doctors office, Parker told my mom that he felt like he got more medicine than normal
and my mom said it took the nurse longer to put it in than normal
{With him starting a new bottle, he should have received the smallest dose}
We did what was needed to keep him comfortable the rest of the night
He was pretty sleepy from all the meds and we let him fall asleep on the couch

On Saturday the rash and his breathing were better but his arm was huge and painful
At 7:00 that night I called my mom to ask if we had maxed out our meds for the day
I'm always hesitant to give him meds when he takes so much already
My mom asked if he had a fever
He didn't act like it but we scanned his forehead and wouldn't you know it,
he had a bit of a fever
My mom had seen his arm earlier that day and was starting to worry about infection
We took off hoping Urgent Care was still open but it wasn't
Our plan was to be waiting at the door when they opened Sunday morning
but when he got up, his arm looked and felt much better

I've spent the last couple of days having medical records transferred in hopes of figuring this out
We will be going back up to IC next week with the bottle of serum
They will be measuring out his doses to see if he was given too much
He was supposed to have 500th of a cc but they think he may have been given .5 (half) a cc
If this isn't the case, maybe his body just wasn't ready for the dose he was given
IC will be making him new serum which will back him down a little bit but we'll still be on track

Through all of this, I've felt every emotion
No mother wants to see her child struggle to breathe
No mother wants to see her child in pain
I still question whether we made the right decision to do allergy shots
We've had scary situations from allergic reactions before and now we've had them from the shots
Right now, I feel like it's a no win but someday we hope to say it was worth it

Parker was absolute trooper through the whole thing
The boy just amazes me!

This picture was from my phone so it wasn't the best
We kept telling him he had big muscles
I will write an updated post next week after we see his doctor in IC

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The holidays and everything in between

Wowza... it's been a long time since I blogged
We got through the holidays, holy smokes that went fast
I'm thinking that people who work outside the home should get 2 weeks off at Christmas 
Now that I'm back out in the working world, 
I would do ANYTHING to have a little break during the holidays
I had cute crafts I wanted to make, more decorations to put out and my shopping was rushed
Every year I say I'm going to start earlier and get done so I can actually ENJOY
Thankfully the hubby gets great vacation benefits so he helped with some of the decorating
Normally I'm kind of picky about the decorating but it was either-
Let him do it and be quiet about it or accept the fact that it wouldn't get done so I stayed quiet
The week before Thanksgiving he set up the village
We started painting our village back in 1997 when we first started dating
I love it and the fact that there is so much love poured into it
It's not just a village that was purchased at a store
Each piece was picked and painted with care
When we paint a new piece, we write the date on the bottom
It's fun to get the village out and see those dates
This picture doesn't even begin to show how beautiful the village is
I promise to take pictures of all 27 pieces next year

Our Christmas tree was pretty sad this year
We called it the big Charlie Brown Christmas Tree
We went to a tree farm in Nichols
 The boys enjoyed petting the horses but the trees were disappointing

We probably should have tried a different tree farm but
every year the hubby bowls in a tournament the day we get our tree so we didn't have much time
Next year I'll be sure to go a different day so we have more time to find the perfect tree
I just kept saying- I can't believe I paid $50 for THAT tree
I didn't even take a picture of it all decorated because it was so hideous

Every year I buy the boys a new ornament
I try to pick one that "fits them"
This year Spencer got a violin and Parker got a crab

During the month of December we had all kinds of concerts
Parker performed with the Colorado Jammers at the Holiday Stroll and at his Winter Choir Concert
Spencer had two concerts (choir and orchestra) the week before Christmas

My brother and his family were home the weekend before Christmas
It's so much fun to get these kids together
There was lots of singing, piano playing and they even performed a skit of Jesus birth

I finally got our Christmas card out the week of Christmas

On Christmas Eve, I had a fever and felt like a knife was stabbing me in the lungs when I coughed
I was feeling a little better Christmas Day so we opened gifts at home
 and then went to spend the day with my parents
My mom always makes hot cider, cheese ball, a cookie tray and of course a fire in the fire place
There is no place I'd rather be on Christmas

Favorite Gifts:
Our kids were spoiled and got everything they could possibly want
Spencer wanted a gun and told me that he didn't care if he didn't got anything else
Can you tell he was excited?

My Mom and Dad gave Parker his favorite gift this year
Grandma made Parker a new camouflage robe and matching pajama pants
I've had to sneak them in the laundry while he's sleeping
He has wore them every day since Christmas

The day after Christmas I ended up at Urgent Care with bronchitis
I'm so glad I made it through the holidays and had the weekend to rest and paint some village pieces
This coming year, I'll be working on those cute crafts and I'll be picking up gifts as I see them
With hopes that next Christmas will be more relaxed and enjoyable