Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thank goodness for the friends I've never met

I started blogging last year so I could note the memories
Looking at pictures just wasn't enough for me

My children are growing up before my eyes and I just wanted an extra way to remember their youth

Through blogging, I have come across some fun blogs and friends
These gals are my BFF's that I'll probably never meet
Yet, the speak to me 
They speak to me more than some of my personal friends
I read their blogs every morning 

This morning while reading 6 updated blog posts, I came across one that was exactly what I needed

This week I was struggling as a parent
How much freedom should I give my 10 and 7 year old

My oldest boy is 10 and I just started letting him walk down the block to a friends house
Paranoid, I know!

Last week some friends wanted the boys to go on a bike ride
I told the boys they could ride on the sidewalk and ONLY on our street
I was watching them but walked in the garage for a minute and when I came back, they were gone

Did I give them too much freedom?
They didn't listen to my instructions of staying on OUR road, should I ground them?

Every other child in our neighborhood runs the streets

My children don't understand why I'm so paranoid
I have tried to scare the day lights out of them by telling them about the scary people out there
They just don't get it!

Another issue that has come up lately is


My children think they NEED everything

Ball season is right around the corner and they both think they NEED new equipment

Parker definitely needed a new glove
His glove was a t-ball glove and he is moving up this year
We went to Davenport last week and bought a new glove
 I was also reminded that he would need a batting helmet because I have a fear of lice
My children know they are not to let ANYONE wear their batting helmet

So we walked out of Dunhams with new baseball equipment and less money in my wallet
We also walked out with an unhappy child 
Spencer wanted a new batting bag for his catchers gear ($86), knee savers ($20) and cleats ($40)

I would LOVE to buy my children everything they think they NEED
we can't
where do we draw the line

My children also need new tennis shoes and they think they need the most expensive pair at Hibbet Sports
I will by my boys pricey (within reason) shoes rather than the cheap Walmart shoes
These boys are TOUGH on shoes and I will say, you get what you pay for!

How do people have more than 2 children?
Do you just say No. . . Do you buy the cheap shoes?
I don't want my children made fun of yet we can't afford all of the name brand stuff
I can't tell you the last time I bought a piece of clothing at a store other than Goodwill
Okay, I can tell you - It was in November while Christmas shopping

One of my Bff's from the blogging world must have known that I needed some encouragement

Thank you Kristen for your post today
"Why the world will never see me as a good parent"

What would I do with out these friends?

If you are a parent, I encourage you to read Kristen's post

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This is the life

Last weekend we had beautiful weather

We spent Saturday morning cleaning part of the basement 
and then decided to take the afternoon off to go play with the boys

Spencer has baseball try outs this coming weekend
 I thought we should get some play time in before then
so we took the boys down to Kent Stein and had a blast

I played first base and outfield 
While the boys did all the hard work

Spence and the hubby took turns catching, hitting and pitching
Parker played first base, out field and hit

The boys were a little rusty 
(I think this picture is from one of the first balls Spence threw)
I think everyone yelled WATCH OUT
I think this is why they should be wearing batting helmets
Thankfully Parker ducked

It didn't take the boys long before they were out on the field doing what they LOVE
If you look real close, 
Spencer caught that ball with his eyes closed
What a boy!

Parker was really slugging em' but was almost too consistent
He hit 7 balls by the pitchers mound
When it was time to pick them up he said, it's kind of like an Easter Egg hunt

Spence did a little pitching but I think he prefers to catch
I'll remind him of this when he's dying in the 80 degree temps with all of his catching gear on

We hope this coming weekend is as beautiful as last week
You'll know where to find us!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

He's my baby and I'm just not ready for him to grow up

I don't want either of my boys to grow up 
Parker is my baby and he's just got this sweet side

Parker will cuddle, Spence will not
Parker pays compliments, Spence will not
Parker gives kisses, Spence doesn't

I LOVE Spence with ALL of my heart but that kid doesn't have a sweet spot to him

They are just different kids and that's okay

My little guy had a tough time getting up this morning
I must have gone into his room 10 times 
I rubbed and kissed on him
I turned the lights on
I bribed

He FINALLY got up and told me he had a sore throat

I ALMOST gave in
I ALMOST let him stay home from school
I know it's his allergies 
So I gave him some Tylenol and told him he had to go 

I would have LOVED to cuddle and watch movies with my sweet little guy

It's the little things that Parker does that will melt some girls heart


When he asks for a popsicle, he brings his Mama one with a  
napkin wrapped around it so my hand won't get cold

He picks his Mama flowers

He pays compliments

He draws me pictures

He's just a sweet, compassionate little boy

Last night I tucked Parker in, gave him a kiss and went to tuck Spencer in,
I heard Parker yell for me and next thing I knew, the hubby is rambling on and on . . .
Your Mom isn't going to rub you the rest of your life!
My response- Oh yes I will! I will rub his back as long as he asks me to!

I went in a rubbed his back and asked him if he will come to the nursing home and rub my back some day
I have no doubt that my baby will be there

awwwwwww love this @Meagan Merlen 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


We would LOVE one!

I don't think it's going to happen though

Gas is almost $4.00 a gallon - CRAZY
The hubbys job- SPRING + Summer = BUSY SEASON
The hubbys military career (being gone 3 weeks every summer) - 15 months left but who's counting

We decided that we may take a weekend trip 
for now we will be taking the trails

We are searching for bike paths
If you know of any good paths, please let me know
 (by good, I mean not to hilly and surfaced)

We rode our first trail on Saturday
I was SO PROUD of the boys
They rode 14 miles WITHOUT complaining

It was so fun 
the weather was awesome

Who needs a vacation?
I do! ! !
Our bike trips are going to have to do for now though

I'm just thinking about all the money we'll be saving : )

Friday, March 16, 2012

Welcome SPRING Break

We are on SPRING Break
and it couldn't have come at a better time
It's almost over

My children needed a break
I needed a break  (I ended up sick)
this weather
I can not even begin to tell you how much we are enjoying these 70 degree days

We have been catching snakes
riding bikes & scooters
playing at the parks
feeding the ducks
raking the yard
having picnics
playing with friends
 eating popsicles and ice cream treats
running around with no shirts (Just the boys)

We had a little incident with Parker yesterday
The boys begged to take their shirts off
The next thing I know Parker was whining and had a red itchy back
My response- Why were you rolling in the grass when you know you are allergic to to?
Poor little guy!
We had to have a warm oatmeal bath and some Benadryl cream

Call me CRAZY
I LOVE the smell of sweaty little boys
(by little, I mean non puberty age)
That mix of sweaty baby skin and sunscreen
I just LOVE it
I'm sure this time next year I'll be asking Parker why he didn't put his deodorant on
I'm going to enjoy my last summer of smelling my sweet little sunscreened boy

Oh and the freckles . . . .
I tried to rub some of them off today thinking they were dirt
These are the moments I adore

I was feeling a bit jealous and like a bad Mom
A lot of my friends have taken off on Spring vacations
We stayed home all week but I don't think the boys even noticed

Dear Lord, Why can't my little boys stay little?
I am so thankful that I get to stay home with them
Please, never let us forget all the memories

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Happy March

It's March and I couldn't be happier

I've been doing some window shopping and have fallen in love with the bright spring colors

My favorite is this BEAUTIFUL coral color
coral BM dress   coral!

The color just brings a smile to my face

And how can you not smile when you see this

I can't wait to see these blooming

 Guess what I found yesterday
HOPEFULLY it won't be long before we start seeing some bright colors

Yesterday was very spring like
70 degrees and sunny


I'm getting in the mood for bright clothing (something other than black and gray)
I'm ready to make some fun spring salads (I know I know, I have failed at trying new recipes-Stay Tuned)
I'm ready to do yard work (remind me that I said this in a bout 3 months when I'm complaining)
I'm ready to sit at the ball field soaking up the sun with my diet coke