Saturday, February 6, 2016

January little things


This was taken New Years Day
We were blessed with a beautiful start to a NEW year

January was pretty quiet for the most part but the last week threw us for a loop

The month was filled with allergy shots
We're trying to get the boy built up before Spring
We spend way.... to much time in this office

We bought a new car
Well...not new but new to us
Max, our F150 Super Crew was on it's last rim
The hubby has been eyeing the Ford Flex since they came out and it's his so I gave in

I finally took a day off work
I went shopping ALL BY MYSELF and bought mascara
I was hoping to have a better shopping day but the time alone was glorious

We had our first and hopefully last Express Care visit for the year
Parker had a nasty fever for 4 days and when it wouldn't budge from 104.4 it was time to go
We spent 10 minutes shy of 4 hours at Express Care
They tested him for strep and mono- both were negative
They sent us home with an antibiotic and some extra germs

We received a letter from the high school
letting us know it's time to sign the boy up for high school classes
Gulp.. fight back the tears
Wasn't he just in preschool?
Ready or not; it's time and my heart swells with pride for this boy who LOVES to learn

While we're on the subject of kids growing up too fast
Both of the boys have girl friends and we did some early Valentine shopping

We ended the month with some major plumbing issues
We had water coming up out of the basement floor drain
Tree roots were partially to blame so our beautiful maple will be coming down this Spring
We're sad but it will hopefully save us thousands of dollars and trouble in the end

Crazy things said:
Hubby: The car only makes the sound when you turn left or right
Me: Maybe you had to be there - but what other way would you turn?

Me: We're going to start eating cleaner next week
Parker: I'm sure that won't last long
{He knows where he got his sweet tooth}

Hubby: Do guacamoles grow on a bush or a tree
Me: You mean avocados?

Spencer: Are you sure you don't want a pancake
Me: No, I don't really like pancakes
Spencer: They're just like less wrinkled waffles

That's a wrap for January

Parker turned 11!

When you have a December birthday at our house,
your birthday celebration lasts about 2 weeks because mama feels bad about her lack of planning
{ya know, the day you find out your pregnant and think 9 months from now is Christmas}
Parker's actual due date was December 29th but was born December 17th

It's not the best picture but this is how we start birthday mornings at our house

We  had Grandma and Grandpa over for supper, gifts and
 of course, turtle cheese cake which he requested

Parker, you light up our life!
You are always thinking of others and truly have a heart of gold
We love that dimple in your right cheek and your gorgeous eyes that change color day to day
We love that you love food and are always wondering what we are having for the next meal
{I truly believe this is your Great Grandpa John in you}
You are handsome, caring, athletic, smart and funny
You are everything we could have ever asked for
How did we get so lucky?
We LOVE you more than you'll ever know!