Friday, March 29, 2013

Anxiety in Iowa City

 Parker had a check up with Dr. Little at Town Square Allergy and Asthma this week

His doctor refers to him as the mystery child

We still don't know what his food allergies are but we know he has them

He had more testing done today for blackberries, blueberries and raspberries

We'll get him figured out one of these days!

As much as I LOVE his doctor, I despise Iowa City

I wish we had some good memories of Iowa City that would block out the bad

This Mama's anxiety has been running high lately and IC makes me just about hyperventilate

I hate driving past exit 249
Pictures of the woman laying over the semi windshield flood my mind
Why would a mother of 3 take her life by jumping off an over pass into oncoming traffic?
I just can't block it out!
It's been 2 years and it seems like just yesterday we were on our way to the clinic for the first time
Telling my baby boy that it was just a dummy but he knew better
and praying for the woman, her family and the semi driver

I also have the memories driving home from IC after Chip's deployment send off
Just me and the boys, thinking how in the world are we ever going to do this again
Looking deployment square in the face
Feeling empty and scared

I wish I could replace these memories with something... anything....

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

He has been beat down {Migraines}

Our spunky boy has been battling migraines more often
They started about 3 years ago when dad was deployed
Mama begged the Dr. to give us something but he said it was just stress and that you were too young

In February we started keeping track of the migraines again
Last week you were beat down by two full blown migraines

It broke my heart to see you hanging on me as you had no energy to walk
Your head throbbing
Begging to be in a dark room by your self
Feeling like you were going to get sick 
Those dark circles under your eyes

I get tears in my eyes just thinking about when the next one will hit

Mama took you to your physician hoping to get some medicine that would work

We are being referred to a pediatric neurologist at the University of Iowa Hospitals

We learned that this could be a long road with a  6 month wait to get into the U

Mama also made an appointment for you to see your optometrist 
praying it's not your large optic nerves causing the problem

Buddy, We love you and wish we could take ALL the pain away!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Kids.... They say the dardest things

The boys have been full of funniness

We had dinner with my parents last Sunday 
As we were waiting for the steaks to get done,
we were talking about middle names and where Parker's middle names came from

Spencer: I know Thomas came from Grandpa but where did John come from?
Chip: What do you think my middle name is?
Spencer: {real serious} Hero?
We all laughed and thought it was adorable
Hero might have been a better middle name for him

Later that evening, my mom informed me that Parker also says the darndest things

He was laying in bed with Grandpa watching tv 
I'm not sure what they watching, maybe I don't want to know
Any way, he said - oooh, she has a booby crack

Oh Goodness.... Life is never boring around here

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

It's been a while (2 months to be exact)

             I gave up blogging for a while
I felt like we were doing the same old stuff all the time and all my posts were beginning to sound the same
Then I viewed some old posts today and decided it was time to get back in the swing of things

My boys are growing WAY to fast and I hope they appreciate reading our blog some day

Here's what Spencer has been up to lately:

We had a special birthday
Spencer turned ELEVEN!

He chipped his front tooth doing something he wasn't supposed to be and had to have it fixed

He participated in the All City Orchestra Concert
2 days prior to the concert we had a mishap with the violin
I'm certain my kids like to see me sweat

He has done a great job annoying his brother
Spencer would not have survived being an only child

Eating- This boy eats! (A LOT)

Here's what Parker has been up to lately:

His nose has been doing fabulous as long as his brother stays away from him
The only nose bleeds we have had were due to Spencer hitting him

Parker should have been an only child
He's content playing the wii, drawing or playing his kindle fire all day

The boy would live in his fuzzy pants all day, every day if I let him
(I'll try to get a picture of him in his beloved pj pants)

He loves oranges!
The day we found out he wasn't allergic to REAL oranges, he must have vowed to make up for lost time

After reading what I've just typed, I decided it sounds pretty boring 
but next year, I'm sure I will have forgotten some of those things