Monday, December 31, 2012

Top Ten/Three (December 24-30)

It's Christmas Eve
I'm not sure what happened but I only made it to the top three this week

1. We celebrated Christmas Eve with a big turkey and having Beth over
The boys were thrilled with her gift selection (remote control helicopters)

2. Christmas morning we opened gifts at home
Santa brought Spencer an ipod nano and he brought Parker a Kindle Fire
They boys were also happy with all the things from Mom and Dad, especially the new scooters

3. We spent Christmas afternoon at Grandma and Grandpas
Grandpa did a little shopping and gave the boys some BBs and targets

The rest of the week was spent playing with new toys, shooting guns,
 downloading apps and begging Mom to go to Walmart to spend gift cards


Still recovering from Christmas

I vowed to make the holidays relaxed this year
I got the job done but I still feel like I have the Christmas hang over

Does anyone else dread putting the decorations away?
I put less and less out every year because I hate the clean up 

Here is the run down of our Christmas get togethers -
Friday night we celebrated with My Mom's side of the family at my Mom's house
Saturday we had breakfast with my brother and his family and relaxed at home the rest of the day
Sunday morning we went to church (The kids sang and it was adorable)
Sunday afternoon we celebrated with my Mom, Dad, brother and his family at Mom's
Monday we had my MIL over for lunch
Tuesday (Christmas Day) we opened gifts at home and then went back to Mom and Dad's

After typing all of that, now I know why I'm still dragging

Here are a few pics from our holiday

Spencer's favorite gift was a bow and arrow from Grandma and Grandpa

The boys got to eat the legs off the turkey (because it's Christmas)

Amelia loved all the tissue, paper and bows

Yesterday, the real tree had to come down
It stopped drinking water last week, was dry and there were needles every where
Remind me why we get a real tree every year
Oh yes, we LOVE going to the tree farm and smelling pine

The house looks bare but it's nice to have the extra space back

Christmas break was lovely but we're ready to have our every day routine back

Monday, December 24, 2012

Top Ten (December 17- 24)

It's birthday week at our house

1. On Monday Parker turned 8

2. Parker took cupcakes for his birthday treat
I am now know as the cupcake queen by all of his classmates
The cupcakes weren't fancy so I'm guessing their mama's need to bake for them more often 

2. The boys had their Christmas program
They were so handsome in their shirts and ties
(My babies are growing up too fast)

3. As I was laying in bed reading to Parker,
he told me that (insert name of classmate)'s mom got a little carried away with the eye shadow.
I laughed hysterically and he said - you know the stuff you wear right here (as he rubs his eye lids)
I have to say, I think he is going to like the natural look on girls

4. The boys have been busy shooting their BB guns
When Parker got his for his birthday, I warned him that he wasn't going
to just be able to pick it up and have perfect aim
(The boy surprised me, he did great)

5. The boys are both signed up for gymnastics again
(I'm so excited - Teaching hasn't been the same without them)

6. We FINALLY got snow and 2 days off of school

7. We haven't had a nose bleed yet

8. My children now own more guns that their dad
(Parker got a mini Daisy for his birthday and bought 2 air soft guns today with B-Day money)

9. Friday night we celebrated Christmas with my Mom's side of the family
My boys were so happy that the girls were home

10. On Sunday we went to Christmas service at church
and celebrated Christmas with Grandma, Grandpa and the rest of the crew
Favorite gift opened-
Spencer- bow and arrow for Grandma and Grandpa
Parker- Angry Bird hat from Jeremy, Leslie and the girls

Merry Christmas Eve

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Top Ten (December 10-16)

We are getting closer to Christmas

1. Spencer had his Cub Scout Christmas party on Monday night
(Pizza, games and derby cars were handed out)

2. Parker had 3 cavities filled on Tuesday
The dentist thinks his allergy meds have caused dry mouth which in turn causes cavities
because the saliva doesn't protect the teeth

3. The boys took clothes to school for their clothing drive this week
(Their school collected over 300 items) 

4. Spencer is getting SO GOOD on his violin
He played Ode to Joy last night

5.  We're hoping for snow next week
(It's in the forecast, lets hope it stays there)

6. One week until the family arrives for Christmas

7. We held our children a lighter tighter after the horrific shooting at a CT elementary school

8. We celebrated Parker's 8th birthday on Saturday night

9. We went to Heartland Fellowships Courageous for Christ Drama Production

10. The boys helped me make covered pretzels

We will be celebrating Christmas (a little early) next week

Monday, December 17, 2012

Celebrating in sadness

As the world is still shaken from the tragic shooting in CT, 
I feeling guilty because we are celebrating 
I get to hold my baby, tell him I love him and wish him a happy 8th birthday

20 of the lives taken were younger than my Parker
7 staff members died trying to protect these little angels

While I hear news anchors talking about the horrific incident,  see the pictures of those innocent children, 
the pictures of parents hysterical and the police men huddled together supporting one another

My heart aches for the families, friends and police department

The parents of these young children won't get to celebrate another birthday with their child
For this reason, I feel guilty
but I also know that our days on earth are numbered and we should celebrate every one of them

This sweet boy turned 8 today and we are blessed that he is happy and healthy

Parker - Happy Birthday Big Guy!
You bring joy to our hearts with your infectious smile
That dimple in your right cheek is enough to melt your mama's heart
You are sweet, lovable, caring and attentive
Celebrate every day and know that you are loved more than you'll ever know

Monday, December 10, 2012

Top Ten (November 26- December 10)

Last week I skipped our Top Ten 
This week, we are back on board and I combined the last 2 weeks

1. Parker has been writing adorable notes to people for Christmas
So far he's written a note to Santa and Amelia

2. The boys and I took our angel gift to church last week 
We hung around and helped get the church ready for Christmas

3. Last Sunday we went to our last National Guard Family Christmas Dinner
I'm so happy to say it was our last but sad because I know how much Chip is going to miss it

4. My boys want to be in gymnastics again
(I couldn't be happier)

5. Parker still hasn't had a nose bleed

6. We were going to go to the Holiday Stroll Friday night as a family
but the boys decided they would rather go with Grandma and Grandpa

7. My Mom informed me on Saturday morning that Spencer
 had been checking out the presents under her tree
He said- OH GRANDMA, are you SURE there aren't any more gifts that you have hid away?
I REALLY want a bow and arrow; That's ALL I want!
(He's going to be SO EXCITED!)

8. The boys helped Grandma ring the bell at Hy-Vee for the Salvation Army

9. We sang Christmas songs in church yesterday
(Why is it that I get goose bumps when we sing Christmas songs in church?)

10. We celebrated my Dad's 62nd birthday
Spencer played Happy Birthday on his violin and my Dad Loved his new book

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Parker has always been our laid back, go with the flow little guy
It's a good thing he was born this way because in his short little life (7 years), he has been through A LOT

Our little guy should have a fear of doctors but for some odd reason; he doesn't

We were sitting in the waiting room
 waiting to be called back for our appointment to get Parker's nose cauterized
Parker grinned and said, there's Dr. Simpson
This Dr. would soon be inflicting pain on my child but Parker loves him

As we continued to sit in the waiting room, 
I couldn't help but over hear the conversation between the Dr. and who I assumed was a patients wife
I could tell the Dr. was not happy and was trying to make himself heard
I heard it - but this woman was NOT getting it

Thankfully, we were called back and didn't have to hear any more
After hearing what we heard, I think we were both a little nervous
 that our child was going to be the next patient
I was praying the Dr. would come in and have everything put behind him

He did and we think he's the best

He ALWAYS greets us with a hand shake and his nurse explains EVERYTHING

Parker did AMAZING!

We were so thankful that the Dr. agreed to do the surgery in the office to bypass our deductible
We will still have to pay for the surgery but we won't have the huge cost of anesthesia 

Afterwards, Parker's throat and nose were very sore
We took him home and found that Spencer had made him a bed on the couch 
and even got him a drink and a piece of candy
(What a sweet big brother)

The night of surgery, I was reading to the boys
and all of a sudden, Parker fell
He was laying in bed, reaching for a toy and fell and hit his nose on the window
He scrapped up his nose but IT DIDN'T BLEED

We are a week out and Parker is doing fantastic
No nose bleeds this week
The real test will be in another week when we are done with the Vaseline

We're so proud of our little trooper!