Monday, October 29, 2012

Top Ten (Oct. 22-28)

It was a busy week at school

1. It was Drug Free Week at school
Every day the kids got to dress up
Monday- I'm a Jean-ius! I'm Drug Free! (Wear jeans)
Tuesday- Don't get tied up with drugs (Wear tie-dye apparel)
Wednesday- Care about your body! Be Drug Free! (Wear red)
Thursday-Black out drugs! (Wear black)
Friday- No School - Hip Hip Hooray!

2. Parker told me that he doesn't want to carve a pumpkin this year, 
he would rather make a pumpkin pie out of it
(Mama made him a pumpkin pie and we'll be carving pumpkins next week)

3. On Tuesday we had parent teacher conferences
The boys are doing GREAT
Spencer got to give his own conference
(I'm one proud Mama and we celebrated with chocolate dipped ice cream cones)

4. On Wednesday Grandpa got to watch the boys
They ate Subway, Whitey's malts and Keebler coconut dream cookies
I guess that's what Grandpa's are for

5. On Thursday the boys got out of school early
Parker has been wanting to go to the library for weeks so we went

6. On Friday the boys didn't have school and they had a sleep over with Grandma

7. I surprised the boys!
We are going to Wisconsin next Friday for Metadel's birthday and dedication

8. We carved our pumpkins

9.  We went to visit Aunt Ruby

10. We finished off the weekend at the Haunted High School

We are excited to go to Wisconsin
Next Friday can't get here soon enough

Friday, October 26, 2012

Photo Dump

Other than my Top Ten posts, I have given up on blogging for a while

We pretty much do the same ol' stuff every day

I'm anxious for the the upcoming holidays so I'll actually have something interesting to blog about

So for today, I'm photo dumping :

 Amelia was wiped out for 2 days after her last trip to the vet
but before long she was causing mischief

Didn't your Mama ever tell you not to put a plastic bag over your head?

Why did I spend money on Halloween costumes?

Last weekend while I raked, Spencer made friends


There's my kiddos for you!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Top Ten (Oct, 15-21)

This week definitely ended better than it started

1. Monday started off REALLY ugly
I don't like to yell at my children but I had to put my foot down to the nasty backtalk

2. Thank goodness tomorrow is always a new day 

3. The boys went through the Toy Land ad and picked out what they want for Christmas
(There will be a post dedicated to the Toy Land ad)

4. Spencer has been playing Jingle Bells on his violin and this Mama loves it

5. Our girl Amelia went to the vet on Wednesday
She had a checkup, vaccines and was groomed
It wiped her out for 2 days

6. I was hoping the day would come when Parker would sort of like school
I think we're there!
Instead of me reading to him every night, he has started reading to me
AND the spelling tests, MY GOODNESS, this boy is really starting to shock me
I'm so proud of him!

7. Spencer made his goal for Cub Scout popcorn sales
So far he has sold $350

8.  Spencer got pop, popcorn and a movie on Friday for making his AR goal

9. Saturday we put the boys to work
This seems to be our weekend ritual lately
I know I shouldn't rush winter but I'll be glad when we aren't mowing, raking and cleaning gutters out

10. We had family pictures taken and we can't wait to see them

Next week is another busy week
It's Drug Free Week
An Assembly

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Taking it all in

On Sunday I ended up at Urgent Care with chest pain
I had chest pain all day on Saturday but felt much better on Sunday
or so I thought
The boys and I went to church and while sitting in church the pain returned and I started feeling sick

The hubby was out of town with the Guard all weekend
so I called to let him know that I was going to Urgent Care just in case they hauled me off to the ER

Diagnosis: Costochondritis

I have no idea what caused it but was thankful it wasn't anything worse

I'm on a muscle relaxer and it seems to be helping
my body doesn't tolerate drugs very well
I get severe insomnia while on prescription pain meds or muscle relaxers


How can I be totally exhausted and not able to sleep?

I had BIG plans of making a nice dinner for Chip when he came home from Des Moines on Sunday
Needless to say, that didn't happen

So on Monday I took it all in

The smell of a pumpkin candle burning
Corn and potato chowder and home made bread cooking
looking out our dining room window at our beautiful maple tree

Monday, October 15, 2012

Top Ten (Oct.8-14)

This week has been full of laughter, tears and photos

1. This girl cracks us up
If you read this post, we obviously haven't made any progress with teaching this girl to sit like a lady

2. The boys have done lots of tree climbing this week

3. My children aren't allowed to go to my parents house any more
The boys brought home 2 tree frogs on Wednesday night and wanted to keep them
After lots of tears, this mama gave in

4. So maybe the tree frogs weren't a good idea
We woke up on Thursday and found that Mr. Bonkers had lost part of his tail and was shedding
We had no idea if this was a normal thing so the frogs were taken out of the tank

5. Spelling and AR are going AWESOME
Parker has scored 100% on every AR test so far
Spencer met his goal and will be treated to a movie, popcorn and pop next month

6. Friday was the Fall Festival wrap up assembly
The Colorado Tigers got to dress up their principal like the village joker

7. On Friday Daddy was away for the Guard
I love date nights with my boys
Pizza, Culvers custard and a drive through the cemetery looking for deer
(We saw our first buck of the year)

8. I LOVE listening to Spencer play his violin

9. Parker has been into puzzles lately
Chip suggested I get some with more pieces that would take him a while
Lets just say that Parker has the patience of a saint

10. Halloween costumes have been bought

What will next week bring?

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Top Ten (October 1-6)

I can't believe it's October
Where has this year gone?

1. Mondays are Mondays 
Then we add a Fall Festival meeting, Cub Scout meeting and teaching gymnastics and it's beyond crazy

2. Our tree is changing colors and dropping leaves 
 Hopefully my children won't fall from the tree
This boy scares me!

3. My boys sold 100 raffle tickets for their Fall Festival at school

4. We bought pumpkins
(I cheated and saved money by taking the kids to Hy-Vee Drug Town)

5. Spencer started using his bow in his orchestra lesson this week
(His first concert is next month)

6. We are LOVING this weather

7. Spelling tests are going AWESOME
Parker got another 100% today

8.  Friday was the Colorado School Fall Festival

9. The boys were begging to rearrange their bed rooms
We spent all of Saturday moving giant bunk beds and cleaning

10. Parker gave us a scare on Sunday night
We think he had a reaction to a piece of triple berry pie

Walmart has their Christmas stuff out
It will be here before we know it