Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Top Ten (November 19-25)

It's Thanksgiving week

1. It was a short 3 day school week

2. Spencer watched "THE MOVIE" at school
I guess that's what you do in 5th grade 
(I'm not ready for this!)

3. On Wednesday the kids were getting out of school early to begin their holiday festivities
They also got to go to school and hour late due to some nasty fog

4. On Thursday morning we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade

5. For Thanksgiving dinner we went to Aunt Janice, Uncle Kent and Katie's as usual

6. Mama got to go Black Friday shopping with Grandma

7. On Saturday we went to Kelly's Tree Farm to get our Christmas tree

8. Saturday night the boys stayed the night with Grandma and helped her decorate trees

9. Sunday we went to church and picked an angel from the angel tree

10. We LOVED our 4 day weekend but we couldn't be more ready to get back to our routine

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

It's okay to be scared

Last week we found out our little man will be having surgery 

We've been talking about this boys nose for quite some time
Every winter when it gets dry, it gets worse and bleeds (LOTS)
We had been using vaseline in his nose every other night but have resorted to every night

The little one gets embarrassed
 and  it got to be a bit much when he was having 3 nose bleeds a day

Thankfully we had an appointment with the ENT coming up
We have discussed the nose at the last 5 appointments but have put off fixing it because of our insurance
(I know, it doesn't make sense-Insurance is supposed to help right)

The Dr. has agreed to do the surgery in the office to bypass our out of this world deductible

Dr. Simpson is confident that Parker will do great

I'm not going to lie,
I'm wondering if we made the right decision to have it done in the office
Would he do better at the hospital or at the surgical center?

They told us NOTHING about recovery
The Dr. did tell me that he will numb his nose really good - AMEN

If Parker is nervous, he isn't showing it
My sweet little man just wants a nose that doesn't bleed
 I've told him it's okay to be scared and he just smiles

Surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday
I'm sure everything will be fine but until then, I'll worry

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Top Ten (November 12-18)

The week started out eventful and NOT in a good way

1. Another pair of broken glasses
This time he tried to superglue them hoping I wouldn't find out
Super glue all over the frames, lenses and my fingers- Not a good day

2. Grandpa watched the boys while Mom worked and Grandma was in Hawaii
Grandpa took the boys to the gun range, Subway and then they had Whitey's malts

3. Parker had 3 nose bleeds on Tuesday and another on Wednesday (Poor little man!)

4. On Wednesday we saw Dr. Simpson
Parker will be having surgery on the 28th to hopefully stop all the nose bleeds

5. We went to our first Festival of Trees Parade

6. The boys survived Grandma being in Hawaii for a week
She brought them back shirts and shark tooth necklaces

7. Spencer decided to learn "Happy Birthday" on his violin all by himself
He found sheet music on the internet, printed it and began playing

We didn't make it to 10 this week
I have a bad feeling about my Top Ten posts
(They may be coming to an end)

I might just have to blog about the most important things
Even if it's one every few weeks

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Reminder to self- We are blessed

In church on Sunday Pastor Tim reminded us that we are blessed
We shouldn't have to be reminded that we are blessed
We can't even begin to compare our lives to others
Yet we focus on the bumps in the road

Yesterday morning the truck wouldn't start
(I'm praying it's just a battery but we haven't figured that out yet)
So while I fret about the truck and the anxiety runs high, I remind myself that I'm blessed
We have more than we need and could ever ask for

So I went about my day and tried not worry about something I had no control over

I can't do anything about a truck that's broke down
If it's more than the battery, we get it fixed and go on
It is what it is!

The day got progressively worse

As I was doing hair, I heard the boys wresting
They have been told a million and one times not to wrestle
Someone ALWAYS gets hurt!
I was irritated but was not going to excuse myself to send the boys to their rooms

I finished my clients hair and showed them to the door

I turned around and Spencer said- I'm sorry I broke my glasses

Not only had he broke his glasses, he attempted to super glue them back together
I think he thought I wouldn't notice 
How could I not notice when they were sitting lopsided on his face
had super glue all over the lenses

I was shocked at how calm I remained
My blood was boiling
They knew better than to be wrestling especially with glasses on
Instead of making dinner, we spent an hour ordering new glasses

Now we have consequences and we wait for new glasses

As I'm dealing with the glasses, I'm also dealing with the third nose bleed of the day
Today we will be visiting Dr. Simpson and running through some options

My husband says we need to win the lottery to pay for a new truck, glasses and surgery

Until then, we will remind ourselves that WE ARE BLESSED

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Top Ten (November 5-11)

It's been another uneventful week at our house

1. On Tuesday this Mama got some much needed girl time
I went on my annual Christmas shopping trip with my friend Jill

2. Daddy took Tuesday off to care of the kiddos while Mama shopped

3. Mr. Crabs didn't die after all
We didn't realize crabs molt
I think we should have done some more research before we bought one

4. Spencer had his first orchestra concert
I thought the kids sounded great

5. While Mom and Dad hung Christmas lights, the boys played with snakes

6. Parker woke up on Sunday with a bad headache
After church the fever hit
We're looking forward to some R&R tomorrow

7. Since Parker was sick, he didn't get to go to Costco with Grandpa
You would have thought I told the kid he wasn't getting anything for Christmas
Tears, tears and more tears

And that's it for the week

Friday, November 9, 2012

Weekend in Wisconsin

I'm just going to start off by saying :
I could NEVER travel for a living

It's not just because I wouldn't want to leave the loves of my life
It's because I never know what to pack

So I spent a good portion of last Wednesday ironing clothes
just so I could put them in a suitcase and have them wrinkled in 30 seconds

On to better things

We enjoyed our weekend in Wisconsin
It was so nice to get away and not wash dishes or laundry
I missed the hubby but he was at drill all weekend so I wouldn't have seen him much any way

On Friday we drove for most of the day
6 hours is a LONG time when you have children in the car
The boys were VERY GOOD travelers considering

When we arrived, the girls were excited to see us

The kids went outside and played in the leaves

On Saturday we celebrated this sweet girls 8th birthday at Rudy's Lanes

I was hoping the party would have wore the kids out but they couldn't wait to go swimming

And on Sunday we went to church for Metadel's dedication

We had a fun weekend with the family
The kids always surprise me with how well they play together

We'll get to see all of them again in 6 weeks 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Top Ten or maybe less this week (October 29 - November 4)

It was a fun week
A long weekend in Wisconsin

1. We made Halloween treats for Parker's class

2. We celebrated Halloween

3. Friday the boys and I went to Wisconsin with my parents

4. On Saturday Spencer got some exciting mail
He was invited to the Junior National Young Leaders Conference in Washington DC
We are so proud of Spencer for all of his hard work and dedication

5. We celebrated Metadel's birthday and dedication

6. On Sunday, Chip called and told us Mr. Crabs (Parker's crab) died

And that's it for the week

When I say "that's it"
I don't mean for it to sound like it was a boring week
We had a fun packed 3 days in Wisconsin
Next week we will be recovering