Sunday, October 4, 2015

Vacations 2015

Our vacation plans this summer didn't work out quite as grand as we hoped
but that's okay because a sweet little one was brought into the world

Our plan was to go to Virginia this summer to visit some dear friends
I didn't get any vacation until after July 28th so we were going to have to wait until August
Not our ideal plan but we would make it work
THEN their daughter announced she was due to have a baby August 12th
Yikes.... She lives in North Carolina and her parents would be traveling there when baby arrived
Baby could come a week early, a week late or right on time
Babies are not predictable so we decided to delay our Virginia plans
Little Charlotte came a few days late while we were on vacation to our other destination

Our "other" destination wasn't nearly as grand but we made the most of it

Everyone needs to attend the Iowa State Fair once in their life time, right?
I remember being drug to the fair when I was little and HATED it
It was hot, I was certain I would die from all the walking and I just wasn't a farm girl

Now that the boys are a little older, I thought it would be the perfect time to take them
They are young enough to still have fun and old enough to remember it

We saw the butter cow, ate fair food, let the kids ride some rides but their favorite part was:
Drum roll......
The cow judging
They loved the cows

We watched one boy get thrown by his cow
My heart broke for that young man
He worked all year with that cow and unfortunately that cow showed the judges who was boss

My best friend and her family camp the entire 2 weeks at the fair
Their 3 girls show cattle and hogs and perform in the Bill Riley talent show every year
Seeing them was the high light of my day at the fair

A few pictures of our day at the fair:

The FAMOUS butter cow

The Monopoly guy was new this year

Fair food is a must
Pricey but so yummy

The boys got to rock climb and zip line

While we were in Des Moines we went to Sky Zone

The boys
 mentioned that they wanted to go to Sky Zone
This place is AMAZING for non stop boys
Give them an hour of time and I guarantee they'll be wore out when you leave

We ate at Zombie Burger

People definitely hype this place up

The food was good, we can say we've been there but we probably won't ever go back
Who orders a salad at a burger joint?
That would be me because it looked better than a greasy burger on a hot day

After we finished up at Zombie Burger, we drove up the road to the pappajohn sculpture park
It was HOT and the kids weren't really interested in the sculptures as much as climbing on the wall

No, we didn't break the rules
It may look like Parker is sitting on the horse but he's really sitting on the wall behind it

One of the highlights of our trip was cooling off at Orange Leaf
I pulled out my phone and googled ice cream shops near us
{Isn't technology great? What did we do before we had phones?}
I saw Orange Leaf frozen yogurt was minutes away
 I hadn't heard of one of these
 but the minute we walked in the door I knew I found my new favorite indulgence
It was worth every penny of the $27 we spent
Some of our favorite flavors were -
Strawberry Lemonade
Peanut butter cup
Wedding cake
Peach mango

So Des Moines wasn't nearly as awesome as Virginia would have been
but we did some firsts and made memories and that's whats important

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