Monday, October 14, 2013

Fall Craftiness

The other night I was looking on Pinterest and told the hubby I was addicted
He said - Admitting you have a problem is the first step
{He thinks he's funny!}

The only problem I have with Pinterest is:
I see so many cute things but when I try to recreate them,
they don't turn out as cute and I'm left feeling totally disappointed

I've been working on a few things lately

I made a yarn wreath for a bridal shower and was asked to make one for a benefit
Here it is:
I'm not in love with it but from the sounds of it, there were several ladies fighting over it

And here's one of my more favorite Pinterest remakes
I saw one of these and decided it was a must for my secret sister at church
After I got it done {but before I added the K} I wanted to keep it for myself
I LOVE candy corn
The candy corn M&M's are out of this world delicious and my SIL was so kind to send me some
I'm pretty sure they were sent for the boys but in this family - We Share!

I'm home with a sick boy today
so I'll be doing some more pinning on Pinterest in between administering meds


  1. Boo for having sick kiddos! Hope it's not too serious.

    That's how I feel about Pinterest recipes -- always disappointed. Frustrating! But I love the candy corn, I haven't seen that on P yet! Great job!

    1. Thankfully it's nothing serious, either a cold or allergies (bad sore throat and stuffy nose).
      I haven't found too many good recipes on Pinterest either :(
