Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Reminder to self- We are blessed

In church on Sunday Pastor Tim reminded us that we are blessed
We shouldn't have to be reminded that we are blessed
We can't even begin to compare our lives to others
Yet we focus on the bumps in the road

Yesterday morning the truck wouldn't start
(I'm praying it's just a battery but we haven't figured that out yet)
So while I fret about the truck and the anxiety runs high, I remind myself that I'm blessed
We have more than we need and could ever ask for

So I went about my day and tried not worry about something I had no control over

I can't do anything about a truck that's broke down
If it's more than the battery, we get it fixed and go on
It is what it is!

The day got progressively worse

As I was doing hair, I heard the boys wresting
They have been told a million and one times not to wrestle
Someone ALWAYS gets hurt!
I was irritated but was not going to excuse myself to send the boys to their rooms

I finished my clients hair and showed them to the door

I turned around and Spencer said- I'm sorry I broke my glasses

Not only had he broke his glasses, he attempted to super glue them back together
I think he thought I wouldn't notice 
How could I not notice when they were sitting lopsided on his face
had super glue all over the lenses

I was shocked at how calm I remained
My blood was boiling
They knew better than to be wrestling especially with glasses on
Instead of making dinner, we spent an hour ordering new glasses

Now we have consequences and we wait for new glasses

As I'm dealing with the glasses, I'm also dealing with the third nose bleed of the day
Today we will be visiting Dr. Simpson and running through some options

My husband says we need to win the lottery to pay for a new truck, glasses and surgery

Until then, we will remind ourselves that WE ARE BLESSED

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