Monday, December 24, 2012

Top Ten (December 17- 24)

It's birthday week at our house

1. On Monday Parker turned 8

2. Parker took cupcakes for his birthday treat
I am now know as the cupcake queen by all of his classmates
The cupcakes weren't fancy so I'm guessing their mama's need to bake for them more often 

2. The boys had their Christmas program
They were so handsome in their shirts and ties
(My babies are growing up too fast)

3. As I was laying in bed reading to Parker,
he told me that (insert name of classmate)'s mom got a little carried away with the eye shadow.
I laughed hysterically and he said - you know the stuff you wear right here (as he rubs his eye lids)
I have to say, I think he is going to like the natural look on girls

4. The boys have been busy shooting their BB guns
When Parker got his for his birthday, I warned him that he wasn't going
to just be able to pick it up and have perfect aim
(The boy surprised me, he did great)

5. The boys are both signed up for gymnastics again
(I'm so excited - Teaching hasn't been the same without them)

6. We FINALLY got snow and 2 days off of school

7. We haven't had a nose bleed yet

8. My children now own more guns that their dad
(Parker got a mini Daisy for his birthday and bought 2 air soft guns today with B-Day money)

9. Friday night we celebrated Christmas with my Mom's side of the family
My boys were so happy that the girls were home

10. On Sunday we went to Christmas service at church
and celebrated Christmas with Grandma, Grandpa and the rest of the crew
Favorite gift opened-
Spencer- bow and arrow for Grandma and Grandpa
Parker- Angry Bird hat from Jeremy, Leslie and the girls

Merry Christmas Eve

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