Monday, October 3, 2011

Can I have a do over?

Where did my weekend go?
I want a do over

We spent the weekend going to Cub Scout events
Friday night- Muskie Homecoming Game
Saturday- Scout O Rama @ the Discovery Center
Sunday- Open house @ the fire station

The boys had a GREAT time and I had fun watching them
but all I could think about was my torn up living room

My mom and I spent Friday painting my living and dinning room
They discontinued my favorite kind of paint (Dutch Boy Dimensions)
The sales man sold me Dutch Boy Platinum - Don't EVER buy this kind
I'm sure he has NEVER painted
I have roller marks that will be on my walls for years because I am NOT repainting

I will say I LOVE LOVE LOVE the colors I picked out

The picture is dark, I apologize
If you want to see it, stop by
but give me a call on the way so I can tidy up

The living room is Sherwin Williams - Outerbanks
The small hallway is Sherwin Williams- Well Bred Brown

By Sunday we were tired of all of the furniture shoved in the center of the room
We were ready to have our living room back
I wasn't sure the hubby would be up to moving furniture
after doing his physical training test for the Guard
but he was and the room finally looks livable again
The walls are still bare but eventually pictures, a mirror and a clock will be hung

Today I spent 4 hours at the boys school counting raffle tickets
My mornings for the next 2 week will be spent there
I love my kids but I'll be glad when the Fall Festival is over

I sped home
Threw the breakfast dishes in some hot soapy water
Threw the clothes in the dryer
Pet the cat who nearly got stepped on as I was running
Washed the dishes
Changed the cat box
And was washing my hands as the first client showed up

How did I ever find time to work full time?

In between clients
I called my place of employment (they STILL haven't called me back)
Paid our car insurance online (OUCH)
Paid the house payment (DOUBLE OUCH)
Called the bank in hopes of finding our title
Went to the other bank

Then I came home
Folded laundry
Went through back packs
Checked facebook
Started supper
Rushed out the door for Cub Scouts
And then worked for 3 hours

No honey, I don't sit home and eat Bon Bons

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