Thursday, September 6, 2012

Top Ten (Aug 27-Sept 2)

We are finally getting into the swing of things
I feel like we have returned to our routine and I'm loving it

Top Ten

1. Monday was CRAZY to say the least
Band meeting from 4-5
Orchestra meeting from 5-6
Cub Scout Recruit Night from 6-7

2. Spencer has decided he will be playing the....Violin
My Goodness instruments are expensive!
Why couldn't he pick the trumpet or baritone? (we have those)

3. The boys have been busy reading
Spencer finished a 500 page AR book
Parker brought home 2 AR books and did a great job reading them and doing his report

4. I'm a little sad that Spencer won't be doing gymnastics this fall
Something had to give and that's what he picked

5. Cute things being said-
We had a fish die this week
Parker took a look at it and said, why don't fish close their eyes
Dad: Fish don't have eye lids
Parker: Why do we have eye lids
Mom: They protect our eyes from dirt and things in the air
Parker: And hot sauce
(I'm not sure where that came from)

6. I bought the kids Scattergarories Jr. this week
On Tuesday night we played for a little bit
The letter rolled was - G
One of the questions on the card was- How do you make money
Spencer answered - Grab and Run
(Who's teaching these things to my child? My Goodness!)
I had a better answer- Garage Sale

7. We went shoe shopping on Friday night
(Do you remember how much I HATE shoe shopping? I HATE it a lot!)
I would love -
To be able to go to 1 store
Have both kids pick out a pair of shoes that are in our budget
And not shed any tears
(It would be a miracle!)

8.  Mom, Can we put him in the bathroom sink?
(Parker found this tiny frog and was certain we needed to keep him)

9. Saturday night I sent the hubby and Parker to the video store
They returned with "The Zoo Keeper"
It was such a cute movie and the boys were entertained

Next week is another CRAZY week
Just a few things on the calendar
We will be closing on our loan to refinance our house
Our van windshield will be getting replaced
Bowling starts


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