Monday, April 16, 2012

Top 10 (April 9-15)

I have been slacking on the Top 10

I promise this summer I won't be slacker

1. The boys have been assigned to baseball teams 
They are excited but I'm thinking this Mama is WAY more excited
I love sitting in the sun, drinking my diet coke,
smelling sunscreen and watching my boys do what they LOVE

2. Parker is feeling MUCH better- Thank You for your prayers
Allergies and asthma stink!

3. My pretty girl went to the vet on Tuesday
She got a sanitary clip. We are hoping it fixes the poo issues
I missed her not being under my feet all day

4. Spencer had ITBS this week
This Mama was EXTRA kind and took snacks 2 days during testing

5. On Tuesday Parker wanted to ride the bus home
He never wants to ride the bus home so I asked him why
His response - Alivia
He's in first grade and wants to ride the bus because of a girl
Oh My, we are going to have our hands full

6. On Wednesday I picked the boys up from school, rushed home and began home work
We have been working on the dreaded 11 pages of sight words
When I opened Parker's agenda, there was a yellow post-it note that read
LAST THREE WORDS (with a big smiley face)
So, as we were practicing words on page 10 and Parker was struggling with a few
I asked- How can you be on the last 3 words when you are struggling with words on page 10
His response- I'm smarter at school

7. Parker has had more bloody noses this week than I ever care to experience in a life time
While Mama remains calm and hands him Kleenex after Kleenex,
Dad has no patience and tells him to twist a Kleenex and shove it up there
I explain that he has a stuffy nose and if he jams a Kleenex up there, his eyes water and he can't breathe
Dads response- Tell him to breathe out of his mouth
This is why I am the one that takes my babies to the Dr and takes care of them when they're sick

8. On Thursday Parker brought home a certificate for Subway
He finished the dreaded sight word list
On Saturday we celebrated with Subway, a movie and peach frozen yogurt (that was later puked all over)
"We bought a zoo" was an AWESOME movie

9. I often say - She (Amelia) is like having a 2 year old
Is it weird that I can't even pee without her barging in the bathroom?

10. I purchased tickets for "Annie"
The Muscatine High School Drama Dept. will be performing next weekend
We are looking forward to going as a family

As I looked over my post before publishing it,
I noticed that most of the Top 10 are about Parker
Spencer must have had a boring week
Let's see what this week holds

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