Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Right Now

Worrying makes me exhausted
So why do I do it?
I have NO idea


I'm so tired that I have missed the ten o'clock news 3 nights in a row
I must be worrying in my sleep because when I wake up, I'm still exhausted
I'm so tired and run down that I hardly know what I'm doing these days
I guess I'm living in the moment and every now and then thinking random thoughts

Random thoughts

~ Why would my child put a quarter in his drink and then dump
 it down the drain and into the garbage disposal

~ I find it comical that Parker has days when he can't talk
Today beef jerky was beef turkey
sloth was smoth
Doctor was dollar store
I'm so glad he's able to laugh at himself and humor me

~ Why do my children take off their pajama pants with one leg inside out
This creates more work for me when I do laundry

~I wish I could have one hour of uninterrupted time to paint my nails

~ I need to find a way to get my cat to like being brushed
I had to clip a fur ball  from under her leg
(is a front leg on cat called a leg or an arm?)
The hubby suggested shaving her arm pits 

~ Praying Lujacks doesn't give me bad news 
I have been stressed to the max over this and it's totally out of  my control
Why do I worry? It is what it is!

~ I have been singing -The sun will come out tomorrow. . . . all morning in my head
I sure hope my singing works some magic
This rain has got me and everyone else down in the dumps

~ Can you believe people sell recipes on Ebay

And in between all these random thoughts, I'm worrying
Worrying over things I have NO control over

What is my problem?

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