Wednesday, May 16, 2012

They made me a Mama

 I can't really remember life before motherhood
It's kind of a blur

These boys complete me and make this life worth living

My Mother's Day morning started out like any other day
I was up before every one else

A little while later, I heard noise in the kitchen and waited to see what Spencer was up to
It wasn't long before he handed me the Bisquick box and asked me to help make MY breakfast
I felt terrible telling him that I used all the eggs the night before making quiche
He wanted to make me waffles SO BAD
I told him I was sorry and I would take him to Hy-Vee to get donuts

After the kids were all sugared we went to church

I got many wonderful surprises at church
My secret sister gave me a card and a $25 Applebees gift card for our anniversary 
and she gave me a bag of chocolates and a bracelet for Mother's Day
Who ever my secret sister is - She is WONDERFUL!

The boys also had gifts for me at church
They made cards and gave me cups with petunias 

These weren't the only gifts I got from the kids,
Parker made me a gift at school
I LOVE the hand made gifts kids make

Look how cute this is -
 Inside the bag was a cereal bar, an apple, a tea bag and a napkin
Parker had the cereal bar and apple ate in no time

We ended Mother's Day at my Mom's
That lady sure knows how to make me feel special

Steak dinner
Essie Polish
Some gadgets for the house
and a gift card to my favorite store

I LOVE being a Mama!

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