Wednesday, March 5, 2014

SPRING where are you? {and a rant}

Waking up to snow makes me want to scream
SPRING, where are you?

We're all getting a little bit irritable around here

When it's this cold, it's hard to believe that spring break starts next week
Why in the world does the school district think we need a vacation when it's too cold to do anything
Maybe they have the money to go somewhere warm

While I'm on this rant: The school district just passed the calendar for next year
We are starting school August 14th!
I'm thinking about taking the boys and going on strike until the following week

First of all: 
The hubby delivers farm chemicals and can't take any vacation from April-June/July
This leaves part of July and the first 2 weeks in August
Second of all:
We play ball until the second week of July
Yes the boys could miss some games but they signed up to be on a team 
We won't leave the team hanging and we are die-hards
 Does the school district not remember how hot it gets in August
So... we'll just have an early out every day and make it a pain for working parents
This is it:
Teachers may enjoy their breaks {Spring and Christmas} 
but they will spend more time reprogramming and teaching these children when they go back

I think we're headed for year round school
I'm only speaking for our family but I know there are a lot of unhappy parents

Back to the topic of SPRING

I have some fun things planned for spring break next week,
I just hope the boys think they're fun
I've seen some adorable Easter decor pinned on Pinterest
I'm hoping my little craft nut {Parker} will help me over break

Now if we could just have green grass

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, it doesn't seem like they are thinking of families anymore, does it? They make it so difficult for working parents. And in our small town 95% of working parents work at least 20 minutes away, so they really have a difficult time getting their kids to and from school. And as if all the snow days to make up aren't enough our school has decided to close Monday since our boys bball team made it to state and is playing that day. So that day will now have to be made up. :(
